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Original article
07 2022

Rhamnus pallasii subsp. sintenisii fruit, leaf, bark and root: Phytochemical profiles and biological activities

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gonbad Kavous University, P.O. Box 163, Gonbad, Iran

⁎Corresponding author. akramtaleghani@yahoo.com (Akram Taleghani) akramtaleghani@gonbad.ac.ir (Akram Taleghani)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.



The genus Rhamnus has received a lot of interest as a source of phenolic chemicals. There have been no reports on the phytochemicals and biological activities of R. pallasii subsp. sintenisii various morphological components (fruit, leaf, bark, and root) in Iran to yet. Two crude ether petroleum (EP) and hydro-methanolic (HM) extracts were obtained from the separate parts. The antioxidant and antibacterial capabilities of the extracts, as well as their phytochemical screening (total phenolic, flavonoid, phenolic acid, and anthocyanin concentrations), were measured. Furthermore, the phytochemical profiles of EP and HM extracts were determined using GC–MS and LC-ESI–MS, respectively. LC-ESI-MS detected 59 chemicals in HM extracts, including flavonoids (62.71 %), phenolic acids (10.16 %), and anthraquinones (16.94 %). Furthermore, the predominant group components in EP extracts examined by GC–MS were fatty acids (58.82%), phenolic compounds (49.28%), and hydrocarbons (35.15 to 59.45 %). In terms of biological testing (DPPH radical scavenging and anti-bacterial activity), all examined extracts, particularly the fruit, had the highest activities in both assays (IC50: 7.52 to 22.39 µg/ml and MIC: 0.39 to 3.12 mg/ml), owing to their high phenolic content. As a result, individual morphological elements of the species might be thought of as natural antioxidant and antibacterial agents.


Rhamnus pallasii subsp. sintenisii
Phenolic profiles
Antioxidant activity
Anti-bacterial activity

1 Introduction

Rhamnus is a genus known as buckthorns in the Rhamnaceae family, with over 150 recognised species of small trees or shrubs. Species (deciduous and evergreen) range in height from 1 to 10 m and are endemic to East Asia and North America. Leaves with serrate margins that are 3–15 cm long and grouped in opposing pairs or subopposite. The branches terminate in a woody spine. Fruits are berry-like, red or black, 2–4 stoned, and globose in shape. Male and female yellowish green flowers are on distinct plants. The seeds are oblong in shape and have a long, narrow furrow. Rhamnus pallasii subsp. sintenisii (Rech. f.) Browicz &. J. Zielinski is a spiny shrub native to Iran and Turkey that can grow to a height of 3 m. The leaves are simple, alternately arranged in opposite pairs, and smaller than those of other Rhamnus species (Akkemik et al., 2014).

Plants of the Rhamnus genus have been used in traditional medicine as antioxidants, radical scavengers, anti-inflammatory agents, and for the treatment of liver disorders, constipation, and laxatives (Zeouk and Bekhti, 2020; Nigussie et al., 2021; Nekkaa et al., 2021). Furthermore, various chemicals have been found in plants related to the Rhamnus genus, including quercetin, rhamnetin, kaempferol, kaempferide, rhamnazin, anthrones, isorhamnetin, rhamnocitrin, and naphthaline derivatives (Cuoco et al., 2014; Nigussie et al., 2021; Rocchetti et al., 2019). Sakushima et al. extracted a dihydroflavonol, 2,3-dihydromyricetin-4/-O-methyl ether, as well as seven recognized flavonoids from the bark of Turkish R. pallasii in 1983: kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin, mearnsetin, aromadendrin, eriodictyol, and taxifolin (Sakushima et al., 1983). Coşkun et al. isolated an anthraquinone glycoside known as physcion-8-O-β-primeveroside and a naphthalide known as α-sorinin from the bark of the same sources later in 1984 (Coşkun et al., 1984). There have been no reports on the chemical profile or biological effects of R. pallasii to date. The objectives of this study were to characterize the phytochemical profile of R. pallasii extracts prepared with EP and HM (80%) solvents using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS), as well as to determine the antioxidant and anti-bacterial activities of these extracts, which had never been done before. In herbal medicine, LC-MS and GC–MS are sensitive technologies for identifying and profiling multi-components.


2 Material and methods


2.1 Plant material

R. pallasii subsp. sintenisii fruits, leaves, barks, and roots were collected in August 2020 from the Chakhmaqlu mountains of North Khorasan province, Iran (37°29′34′′N 56°56′52′′E) (Fig. 1). A voucher specimen (803893) has been deposited in the Gonbad Kavous University herbarium. The individual portions were dried at 30 °C in a well-ventilated room and stored in the dark until use.

Rhamnus pallasii subsp. sintenisii and map showing the location of the sampling (Chakhmaqlu altitudes, North Khorasan, Iran).
Fig. 1
Rhamnus pallasii subsp. sintenisii and map showing the location of the sampling (Chakhmaqlu altitudes, North Khorasan, Iran).


2.2 Chemicals and reagents

Caffeic acid, gallic acid, quercetin, cyanidin-3-glucoside, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, sodium molybdate, sodium carbonate, sodium acetate, aluminum chloride, potassium acetate, potassium chloride, Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ether petroleum, methanol and formic acid were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (USA). The other compounds that were employed were of analytical grade. Aqueous solutions were also prepared using deionized water. Microorganism cultures were obtained from Iranian microbial collections, Pasteur Institute of Iran. The cultures of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 9144) and Gram-negative Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) were used for the study.


2.3 Preparation of the extracts

The dried powder of species' fruits, leaves, barks, and roots (2 g) were extracted separately with 20 ml of EP at room temperature for 24 h (three times), and residues were extracted with water-methanol under the same conditions (80%). All of these extracts were filtered using a vacuum pump, and the organic solvents were extracted using a rotary evaporator at 40 °C under decreased pressure. Finally, concentrated extracts were lyophilized to dryness in a freeze dryer and stored in darkness at +4 °C for further analysis. The extraction yields (w/w) for EP extracts ranged from 1.2% to 3.5% and 2.9% to 6.3% for HM extracts.


2.4 Quantification of total phenolic content

The total phenolic content (TPC) of HM extracts from species' fruits, leaves, bark, and roots was evaluated using the Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method described by Singleton et al. (1999), with minor modifications (Singleton et al., 1999). In brief, 200 µL of diluted extracts were combined with 0.25 M Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, 600 µL of H2O, and 1000 µL of 1.0 M Na2CO3. The absorbance of the solutions was measured at 760 nm after 1 h of incubation at room temperature in the dark. The findings were reported in milligrams of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per gram of dried extract (mg GAE/g DE).


2.5 Quantification of total flavonoid content

The total flavonoid content (TFC) of all HM extracts was measured using the aluminum chloride colorimetric method described previously (Zhishen et al., 1999), with quercetin standard. In brief, diluted extracts or quercetin standard solutions were combined with 720 µL of distilled water, 90 µL of 5% NaNO2, 600 µL of NaOH, and 90 µL of AlCl3. The absorbance of reaction mixtures was measured at 510 nm after incubation at room temperature, and the TFC was reported as milligram of quercetin equivalents per gram of dry extract (mg QE/g E).


2.6 Quantification of total phenolic acid content

The total phenolic acid content (including hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives) was assessed using the Matkowski et al. (2008) method for determining the interaction of phenolic acids with sodium nitrite-sodium molybdate. Each extract (1 ml) was combined with 2 ml HCl (0.5 M), 2 ml Arnow reagent (10 g sodium molybdate and 10 g sodium nitrite diluted to 100 ml with deionized water), 2 ml NaOH (8.5 % w/v), and 3 ml water. The solutions were compared to a control mixture that did not contain Arnow reagent. The absorbance at 490 nm was measured, and the total hydroxycinnamic acid concentration was estimated using a caffeic acid calibration curve and represented as mg caffeic acid equivalent (CAE) per gram of dried extract (mg CAE/g DE).


2.7 Quantification of anthocyanin content

The anthocyanin content of all HM extracts was measured using differential pH methods (Camelo-Méndez et al., 2013), two diluted solutions were prepared, one in 0.4 M sodium acetate buffer with a pH of 4.5; and the other in 0.025 M potassium chloride buffer with a pH of 1.0. At 510 and 700 nm, the absorbance was determined using a spectrophotometer. The absorbance was calculated as follows: A = (A510 − A700) pH1 − (A510 − A700) pH4.5.

The content of anthocyanins was determined using the absorbance of (A) and the molar absorptivity of cyanidin 3-glucoside (29,600). The TAC values were calculated as mg cyanidin-3-glucoside per gram dry extract. TAC = (A/e × L) × (449.2) × D/G × V × 100.

Where A is absorbance; e (26,900) is the molar extinction coefficient, of cyanidin 3-glucoside (Giusti and Jing, 2008); L (1 cm) is the cell length; 449.2 is anthocyanins molecular weight; D is dilution factor; V (ml) is final volume and G (mg) is the dry weight (dw) of samples.


2.8 DPPH radical-scavenging activity

The DPPH radical scavenging activities of HM extracts was monitored according to the method of Cavin et al. (1998). Five different concentrations of each extract were added to 915 μL methanol, then 200 μL DPPH solution in methanol (0.022%) were added. After 30 min incubation at room temperature in the dark, the reaction mixture's absorbance was measured at 517 nm. The absorbance of extracts was compared to that of methanol without DPPH as a blank.

DPPH radical-scavenging activity was determined by: % Inhibition rate = (A control − A sample)/A control × 100.

The effective concentration necessary to inhibit 50% of the DPPH radicals was expressed by IC50 value (half maximal inhibitory concentration).


2.9 Antibacterial activity

The antibacterial activity of R. pallasii extracts against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 9144) and Gram-negative Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) was tested using the microdilution broth technique as described by Suffredini et al. (2006) with certain modifications. Strains were obtained from Iranian microbial collections, Pasteur Institute of Iran. Two-fold serial dilutions of the extracts of fruit, leaf, bark and root were prepared in Mueller Hinton Broth ranging from 25 to 0.195 mg/ml in 96-wells plates. Additionally, gentamicin discs and each fraction's solvents were employed as positive and negative controls, respectively. After 24 h of incubation, the plates inhibitory effect on bacteria growth was determined visually by examining the growth in each well. After incubation, the MIC value was determined as the lowest concentration of plates at which microorganisms displayed no observable growth. Additionally, the MBC value was calculated using the lowest concentration of plates that exhibited no bacterial growth. Each microorganism was subjected to three independent analyses.


2.10 HPLC-ESI-MS analysis

The HPLC-ESI-MS analysis was implemented by using the Waters Alliance 2695 HPLC system, which was connected with micro mass quattro micro API mass spectrometer with electrospray ion source (ESI). A standard solution containing uracil, 4-hydroxymethyl benzoate, 4-hydroxy ethyl benzoate and benzophenone was injected into the device in order to validate the reliability of the system.


2.10.1 HPLC analysis

All crude HM extracts (1 mg) were diluted in 1 ml methanol and filtered through a 0.45 m Millipore filter before being injected into the HPLC. HPLC separations were carried out on a Zorbax SB-C18 column (3, 2.1100 mm) using a gradient mobile phase composed of acetonitrile + 0.1 % formic acid (solvent A) and H2O + 0.1 % formic acid (solvent B). Gradient elution was performed as follows: 0–2 min, 10% A; 2–10 min, 10–50 % A; 10–16 min, 50% A; 16–20 min, 50–90% A; 20–24 min, 90% A; 24–26 min, 90–10 % A; 26–30 min, 10% A. The injection volume was set to 10 L and the column temperature to 35 °C. 0.2 ml/min flow rate was used.


2.10.2 ESI-MS analysis

Electrospray ionization (ESI, negative mode) was used to generate the ions, with nitrogen serving as the cone and desolvation gas. The following parameters were used in the spray chamber: capillary voltage, 3.5 kV; cone voltage, 25 V; extractor voltage, 2 V; collision energy, 30 eV; source temperature, 120C; desolvation temperature, 300C; gas flow, 200 L/h; and nebulizer pressure, 15 psi. Acquisitions of full scans were made in the 150–2000 m/z range. The extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) from total ion chromatograms were used to examine the samples (TIC). The MZmine analysis software program, version 2.3, was used to process the data.


2.11 GC–MS analysis

The GC–MS analyses were performed using an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph linked to a 5973 MSD mass spectrometer and an HP-5 ms column with a 30 m 0.25 mm i.d. and 0.25 m film thickness. On the basis of Wiley 7n.L and NIST libraries, the chemical profiles of fruit, leaf, bark, and root were identified. Separation of the compounds occurred at a rate of 3°Celsius per minute along a temperature gradient extending from 50 to 280 °C. The instrumentation used a 250 °C analyzer and ion source, a split ratio of 1:20, a 1 μL injection volume, a 70 eV ionization potential, a helium carrier gas flowing at 1.0 ml/min, and a mass range of 50–550 m/z. The components were identified by comparing their mass spectra to those in the Wiley 7.0 mass spectral library and the literature (Adams, 2007). This procedure is similar to that described by Faizi et al., but with minor variations (Faizi et al., 2014).


2.12 Statistical analysis

Each test was conducted in triplicate. Results were expressed as a mean ± standard deviation. SPSS statistics version 20 software and ANOVA procedures were used for statistical analysis. A significance level of 0.05 was considered.


3 Result and discussion

The phytochemical composition of Rhamnus species varies greatly. It is well established that genetic (species, organ, and developmental stage) and environmental diversity contribute significantly to the nutritional quality and phytochemical content of plants. To our knowledge, no investigations on the phytochemical screening, chemical profile by LC-MS, GC–MS, or biological activity of R. pallasii have been published.


3.1 Total phenolics (TPC), total flavonoids (TFC), total phenolic acids (TFAC) and total anthocyanin contents (TAC)

Fig. 2a illustrates the phytochemical analysis of R. pallasii fruit, leaf, bark, and root extracts. The extracts contained a total of 69.8 1.4 to 232.8 2.5 mg GAE/g DE. The fruit extract had the greatest TPC concentration (232.8 1.5 mg GAE/g), followed by the leaf (208.6 2.3 mg GAE/g), the bark (124.3 1.8 mg GAE/g), and the root (69.8 1.4 mg GAE/g) extracts, respectively. The TPC of a methanolic extract of R. alaternus examined in the literature (Moussi et al., 2015). The leaves contained 77.8 mg GAE/g TPC, which was lower than the value observed in our investigation. Another study determined the TPC of a 60% ethanol extract of R. prinoides stems to be 228.21 ± 13 mg of GAE/g (Chen et al., 2020). Additionally, the TPC of R. lycioides leaves was 259.33 ± 4.95 mg of GAE/g, which was greater than the value found in our study (Benamar et al., 2019). A similar result was achieved when species total flavonoids content was determined. However, the fruit extract (187.03 ± 2.09 mg QE/g DE) had a higher TFC value than the leaf (98.6 ± 2.5 mg QE/g), bark (83.3 ± 1.2 mg QE/g), and root (46.8 ± 2.4 mg QE/g) extracts. The TFC values calculated in this study for the leaves extract were higher than those previously reported for R. alaternus collected in Algeria (30.11 ± 5.76 mg QE/g) (Moussi et al., 2015), but were lower than those previously reported for R. alaternus collected in Tunisia (283 ± 11 mg QE/g) (Ammar et al., 2007). In previous research, the TFC of methanol extracts of R. kurdica and R. lycioides leaves was determined to be 86.32 ± 2.98 mg catechin equivalent per mg plant and 74.08 ± 2.10 mg catechin equivalent per g dry extract, respectively (Gholivand and Piryaei, 2014; Benamar et al., 2019). Additionally, we determined the total anthocyanin concentration of fruit, leaf, bark, and root extracts (Fig. 2a). The fruit (75.14 ± 0.03 mg cyanidin 3-glucoside/g DE) and bark (51.76 ± 0.02 mg/g) extracts had the highest TAC values, followed by the leaf and root extracts at 42.21 ± 1.02 and 12.41 ± 2.3 mg/g, respectively. Gholivand discovered that R. kurdica flowers and leaves have a significant concentration of anthocyanin (21.53 ± 0.57 and 12.36 ± 0.84 g/100 mg fw, respectively) (Gholivand and Piryaei, 2014). The anthocyanin content of extracts varied considerably. These distinctions are related to the diversity of chemicals that make up plant pigments. Finally, the extracts total phenolic acid content (TPAC) was determined (25.01 ± 1.3 to 63.14 ± 2.2 mg CAE/g DE). The fruit extract (63.14 ± 2.2 mg/g) had the highest TPAC value, followed by the leaf (52.4 ± 1.5 mg/g), bark (41.3 ± 2.2 mg/g), and root (25.01 ± 1.3 mg/g) extracts, respectively.

Total phenolics, total flavonoids, total anthocyanins and total phenolic acids contents (a) and antioxidant activities (b) of the HM extracts of R. pallasii.
Fig. 2
Total phenolics, total flavonoids, total anthocyanins and total phenolic acids contents (a) and antioxidant activities (b) of the HM extracts of R. pallasii.


3.2 Antioxidant activity

For the first time, the antioxidant activities of several parts of R. pallasii were determined using the DPPH radical scavenging assay, and the results were reported as IC50 values (Fig. 2b). Among the R. pallasii extracts, the fruit and leaf extracts displayed the highest scavenging activity, with IC50 values of 7.52 ± 2.1 and 11.81 ± 1.06 g/ml, respectively, which are significantly more active than the positive control butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) (IC50 = 19.3 ± 1.06 g/ml). The bark and root extracts had the lowest IC50 values, at 20.01 ± 2.5 and 22.39 ± 0.10 g/ml, respectively. The extracts free radical scavenging activity may be a result of their high TPC and TFC content, which have hydrogen-donating capabilities (Rice-Evans et al., 1997). Only a few publications in the literature have discussed the DPPH assay in relation to other species. Our values are lower than those previously reported for other species, including methanolic leaf extract of R. kurdica (IC50 of 21.04 ± 1.35 g/ml), 60 % ethanolic stem extract of R. prinoides (IC50 of 51.21% 0.046 g/ml), and methanolic leaf extract of R. lycioides (IC50 of 29.69 ± 0.33 g/ml) (Gholivand and Piryaei, 2014; Chen et al., 2020; Benamar et al., 2019).


3.3 Antibacterial activity

Table 1 summarizes the antimicrobial activity of EP and HM extracts of R. pallasii fruit, leaf, bark, and root. The extracts were antimicrobial against both microorganisms that cause food poisoning (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli). The results indicated that the extracts had significantly more antibacterial action against S. aureus than against E. coli, owing to the bacterial strains different cell wall structures. Gram-negative bacteria have an outer membrane composed of lipids and a polysaccharide component that serves as a barrier to antimicrobial drug penetration (Lambert, 2002). When compared to gentamicin, the antibacterial effects of the HM extract of fruit and EP extract of root were much stronger than those of other extracts (positive control). The extracts had MIC and MBC values of 0.39 to 3.12 and 0.78 to 6.25 mg/ml respectively. No investigations on the antibacterial activity of R. pallasii have been conducted to date, however various studies have reported on the antimicrobial activity of other species. Molla demonstrated that methanol and chloroform leaf extracts of R. prinoides were bactericidal against four bacterial strains with MIC values ranging from 8.13 to 32.5 mg/ml (Molla et al., 2016). EP and methanolic extracts of R. alaternus had no detectable inhibitory action on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria until 6 mg/ml (Ben Ammar et al., 2007). Another study found that the MIC and MBC values of R. prinoides fruit and leaf extracts against S. aureus and E. coli were 1.3 to 5.23 and 2.08 to 8.33 g/ml, respectively (Kibret, 2019). Carranza et al. discovered that methanolic extracts of R. californica leaves had MIC values of 5.0 to 6.0 mg/ml against six bacterial species (Carranza et al., 2015). The results of this study suggest that the significant antibacterial activity of the EP and HM extracts of R. pallasii may be attributed to the presence of terpenes, phenols, and flavonoids, which act as antimicrobial agents via a variety of different mechanisms (Guimarães et al., 2019).

Table 1 MIC and MBC (mean ± SD) (mg/ml) of R. pallasii EP and HM extracts against pathogenic bacteria.
Plant part S. aureus E.coli
Fruit 3.12 ± 2.13 0.39 ± 1.32 6.25 ± 2.14 0.78 ± 3.16 3.12 ± 1.42 0.39 ± 2.94 3.12 ± 2.92 1.56 ± 3.12
Leaf 0.78 ± 1.09 1.56 ± 1.45 0.78 ± 1.65 3.12 ± 3.52 0.78 ± 1.24 0.78 ± 2.31 1.56 ± 2.81 0.78 ± 2.34
Bark 3.12 ± 3.12 1.56 ± 4.12 3.12 ± 2.34 3.12 ± 2.17 1.56 ± 2.41 0.78 ± 1.49 1.56 ± 1.56 3.12 ± 1.93
Root 0.39 ± 1.21 3.12 ± 3.16 0.78 ± 1.56 3.12 ± 2.41 0.78 ± 1.56 3.12 ± 1.11 1.56 ± 2.86 6.25 ± 3.32
Gentamicin 2.32 ± 1.49 (µg/ml) 32.12 ± 2.12 (µg/ml) 16.31 ± 1.29 (µg/ml) 128.21 ± 3.12 (µg/ml)


3.4 GC–MS analysis

GC–MS analysis was used to determine the chemical composition of an EP extract of R. pallasii (fruit, leaf, bark, and root). The extract yields were 3.5 % (fruit), 1.2 % (leaf), 3.1 % (bark), and 2.8 % (stem) based on the plant's dry weight. The chemicals that have been identified are listed in Table 2. A total of 68 chemicals were isolated from EP extracts of various plant sections. Our findings indicate that fruit extract contains 26 compounds that account for 93.62 % of its composition; leaf extract contains 29 compounds that account for 92.97 % of its composition; bark extract contains 38 compounds that account for 96.97 % of its composition; and root extract contains 28 compounds that account for 89.92 % of its composition. Each extract contained the following major compounds (in percentages): fruit (oleic acid 45.93 %, stigmastan-3,5-diene 9.76 %, -tocopherol 6.60 %); leaf (-tocopherol 44.28 %, hentriacontane 8.93 %, clionasterol 7.56 %); bark (clionasterol 12.99 %, -tocopherol 11.89 %, tridecane 6.43 %); and root (-tocop Generally, the extracts are a good source of biological components. Terpenes, phenolics, fatty acids, fatty esters, steroids, and hydrocarbons are all significant types of chemicals found in R. pallasii extracts (Table 2). A review of the literature indicated that no data on GC–MS studies of R. pallasii extracts were given, while data on the volatile components of other species were reported (Chouitah et al., 2012; Mekala et al., 2017).

Table 2 Chemical composition (%) of the EP extract from fruit, leaf, bark and stem of R. pallasii.
Compounds Molecular
Classification RT (min) Percentage %
Fruit Leaf Bark Root Fruit Leaf Bark Root
2-Methylheptan C8H18 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 3.553 0.321%
3-Methylheptan C8H18 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 3.696 0.328%
Octane C8H18 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 4.208 0.206%
cis-1,2-Dimethyl cyclohexane C8H16 Cycloalkane 4.871 0.084%
2-Ethylhexanol C8H18O Fatty Alcohols 4.999 0.086%
4-Methyloctane C9H20 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 5.744 0.066%
3-Methyloctane C9H20 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 5.947 0.058%
Nonane C9H20 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 6.722 6.723 0.133% 0.167%
2,6,7-Trimethyldecane C13H28 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 7.739 0.199%
3-Ethyl-2-methylheptane C10H22 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 7.942 0.170%
1,1,2,3-Tetramethylcyclohexane C10H20 Cycloalkane 8.364 0.196%
4-Methylnonane C10H22 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 8.567 0.305%
2-Methylnonane C10H22 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 8.650 0.221%
2,6-Dimethyloctane C10H22 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 8.846 0.428%
1-Methyl-2-propylcyclohexane C10H20 Cycloalkane 9.290 0.302%
Decane C10H22 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 9.812 9.756 9.749 9.794 0.904% 0.441% 1.630% 0.220%
4-Methyldecane C11H24 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 10.504 10.449 0.384% 0.192%
2-Methyldecane C11H24 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 11.781 0.194%
Undecane C11H24 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 12.928 12.835 12.858 12.888 1.621% 0.627% 3.282% 1.043%
Cycloundecene,1-methyl C12H22 Cycloalken 15.778 0.679%
Naphthalene,decahydro-1,6-dimethyl C12H22 Polycyclic hydrocarbon 15.857 15.944 16.305 1.096% 1.783% 2.621%
2,6-Dimethyldecalin C12H22
Polycyclic hydrocarbon 16.007 16.004 0.748% 1.202%
Naphtalene,decahydro-2,3-dimethyl C12H22 Polycyclic hydrocarbon 16.203 16.531 15.824 16.591 1.036% 0.684% 2.600% 3.108%
Cycloheptanon,2-(-2-methyl propylidene C11H18O Cyclic ketone 16.293 0.438%
4,8-decadien-3-ol,5,9dimethyl C12H22O Alcoholic compound 16.519 1.788%
Decahydro-1,2-dimethylnaphthalene C12H22 Polycyclic hydrocarbon 16.562 3.799%
Naphtalene,decahydro-1,5-dimethyl C12H22 Polycyclic hydrocarbon 16.760 16.689 16.712 16.749 2.656% 1.159% 1.630% 5.099%
Tridecane C13H28 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 18.702 18.624 16.639 18.699 0.609% 0.299% 6.439% 2.861%
2-Methyltridecane C14H30 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 20.393 0.825%
2,6,10-Trimethyltetradecane C17H36 Aliphatic hydrocarbon
20.732 0.902%
farnesane C15H32 Sesquiterpene
20.657 20.739 1.016% 1.469%
Tetradecane C14H30 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 21.344 21.281 21.312 21.379 1.078% 0.572% 2.975% 2.006%
Pentadecane C15H32 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 23.844 23.781 23.856 0.268% 0.778% 7.068%
Hexadecane C16H34 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 26.230 26.144 26.242 0.381% 2.244% 1.948%
Neoisolongifolene,8-bromo C15H23Br Sesquiterpene 27.018 0.875%
Banzoic acid,4heptyl-4-cyanophenyl ester C21H23NO2 Benzoic
acid derivatives
27.103 27.108 0.298% 3.445%
Banzan,1,3,5tris(1-methyl propyl) C18H30 Benzene derivatives 27.540 27.492 27.559 0.350% 1.190% 2.013%
Paullinic acid C20H38O2 Fatty acid 28.538 28.591 1.596% 2.648%
Octadecane C18H38 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 30.603 30.571 30.638 0.418% 3.026% 2.289%
Phytol C20H40O Diterpene 36.720 31.354 2.122% 0.934% 4.247%
Methyl palmitate C17H34O2 Fatty acid aster 33.216 1.213%
palmitic acid C16H32O2 Fatty acid 34.367 34.093 34.011 2.756% 2.921% 2.611%
Eicosane C20H42 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 34.560 34.628 3.847% 4.730%
2-Methyl-1-hexadecanol C17H36O Alcoholic compound 36.141 1.386%
Methyl oleate C19H36O2 Fatty acid ester 36.588 3.373%
Ethyl linoleate C20H36O2 Fatty acid ester
37.278 4.054%
Oleic acid C18H34O2 Fatty acid 38.252 37.466 45.934% 4.394%
Docosane C22H4 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 38.204 3.752%
Acetyl tributyl citrate C20H34O8 Fatty acid aster 39.423 39.416 1.323% 1.968%
Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate C22H42O4 Fatty acid aster 41.591 1.637%
Octadecane,3-ethyl-5-(2-ethyl butyl) C26H54 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 43.265 47.576 1.804% 3.611%
17-pentatriacontene C35H70 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 48.118 41.629 1.664% 8.621%
Tribehenin C69H134O6 Fatty acid aster 44.730 5.098%
Heptacosane C27H56 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 46.108 41.591 38.294 1.143% 5.901% 4.461%
Erucamide C22H43NO Fatty amid 47.533 47.455 3.549% 7.418%
Squalene C30H50 Triterpene 47.997 2.072%
Nonacosane C29H60 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 49.084 48.976 44.678
6.516% 4.725% 4.192%
d-Allo-dec-2-enonic acid,5,8-anhydro2,3,4,9-tetradeoxy-8-c-(hydroxymethyl)3-methyl-7,8-O-(1-methylethylid) C18H28O8 Carbohydrate derivatives 49.721 3.506%
Tetratetracontane C44H90 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 50.406 3.125%
Hentriacontane C31H64 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 52.205 8.934%
Stigmast-5-en-3-Ol,oleate C47H82O2 Triterpenoids 52.295 7.356%
Stigmastan-3,5-diene C29H48 Sterols 52.351 9.764%
α-Tocopherol (vitaminE) C29H50O2 Tocopherol(Phenolics) 53.179 53.146 52.958 53.071 6.602% 44.282% 11.897% 10.084%
7,8-Epoxylanostan-11-ol, 3-acetoxy- C32H54O4 Triterpenoid 55.437 51.099 1.416% 1.217%
Tritetracontane C43H88 Aliphatic hydrocarbon 56.609 1.540%
Clionasterol C29H50O Sterol(Phytosterol) 57.264 57.302 7.561% 12.990%
β-sitosterol C29H50O Sterol(Phytosterol) 57.399 6.342%
α -Amyrin C30H50O Triterpenoid 59.371
Major Grouped Compounds Fruits Leaves Barks Roots
Terpenes 1.416% 7.777% 4.042% 13.072%
Phenolics 6.602% 44.282% 11.897% 10.084%
Fatty acids,Fatty acid asters and fatty amides 54.825% 10.275% 9.229% 14.164%
Steroids 9.764% 7.561% 12.990% 6.342%
Hydrocarbons 18.51% 19.5% 57.45% 42.87%
Miscellaneous 2.524% 3.592% 1.386% 3.445%
Total Identified% 93.62% 92.97% 96.97% 89.92%


3.5 LC-ESI-MS analysis

The profile of bioactive chemicals in HM extracts of R. pallasii fruits, leaves, barks, and roots was published in this work for the first time using an LC-ESI-MS method in the negative ion mode. All extracts included 59 chemicals, including 24 flavonols, 6 flavones, 4 flavanones, 3 flavanonols, 6 phenolic acids, 10 anthraquinones, 3 naphthaenic lactone derivatives, 2 naphthalene derivatives, and 1 coumarin derivative (Table 3). Fig. 3A-H illustrates the total ion chromatogram (TIC) of extracts and instances of extracted ion chromatograms (EIC). Peaks were identified using molecular weights, retention times (Rt), complete ESI-MS, and matching mass adducts ([M−H]-, [2 M], [2 M−H], [M−2H], and [M−2H + Na]), as well as comparisons to published data. Only ten of the 59 compounds had been identified previously in R. pallasii, and they were all kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin, mearnsetin, aromadendrin, taxifolin, eriodictyol, pallasiin, -sorinin, and physclon-8-O- β-primeveroside from the barks of Turkish species and leaves of Georgian species (Sakushima et al., 1983; Coşkun et al., 1984). There are no data on the phytochemical profiles of other components of this plant to our knowledge.

Table 3 Characterization of phenolic compounds in R. pallasii fruits, leaves, barks and roots by LC-ESI-MS in the negative ion mode.
No. Compounds Formula [M−H]−(m/z) Rt/ Intensity (En) Parts reported in literature1 Ref.
Fruit Root Bark Leaf
1 Quercetin C15H10O7 301 19.1/9.9E4 18.9/3.8E5 18.5/8.7E5 F, L, B (Sakushima et al., 1983; Chen et al., 2016; Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015)
2 Quercetin-3-O- glucoside (isoquercitrin) C21H20O12 463 16.1/1.5E5 16.2/1.4E5 16.1/1.8E5 16.5/6.2E5 B (Chen et al., 2016)
3 Quercetin-7-O-glucoside C21H20O12 463 16.7/6.8E4 16.5/4.7E5 AP (Marzouk et al., 1999)
4 Quercetin-3-O-robinobioside C27H30O16 609 9.1/1.1E5 8.7/9.6E4 9.2/1.8E5 8.3/5.5E5 F (Marzouk et al., 1999)
5 Quercetin-3-rhamninoside C33H40O20 755 3.5/5.7E4 3.9/6.9E6 3.6/1.1E5 3.1/6.4E5 F (Marzouk et al., 1999)
6 Quercetin-3-methyl ether-7-O-glucoside C22H22O12 477 10.8/9.2E4 10.7/1E5 11/2.1E5 AP (Marzouk et al., 1999)
7 Kaempferol C15H10O6 285 20.9/2.1E5 21.3/4.4E5 21.5/4.7E5 21.2/5.4E5 F, L, B, AP (Chen et al., 2016; Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015)
8 Kaempferol-7-O-glucoside C21H20O11 447 17.5/1.4E5 17.7/1.9E5 17.7/1.7E5 17.5/1.4E5 B (Chen et al., 2016)
9 Kaempferol-3-O-acetyl-rhamninoside C35H42O20 781 8.5/1.8E5 8.6/1.1E5 8.6/1.3E5 8.4/4.6E4 F (Cuoco, Mathe, and Vieillescazes, 2014)
10 Kaempferol-3-O-robinoside C27H30O15 593 10.2/8.2E4 10.5/2.5E5 10/1.6E5 10.7/5.9E4 F (Marzouk et al., 1999)
11 Kaempferol-3-O-rhamninoside C33H40O19 739 7.5/2E5 6.9/7.5E4 7.3/6.8E5 F, AP (Marzouk et al., 1999)
12 Kaempferol-4′-O-rhamninoside C33H40O19 739 7.9/9.1E4 8.2/1.4E5 8.4/6.4E5 F (Ammar et al., 2009)
13 Rhamnetin C16H12O7 315 19.8/5.7E4 20.1/1.6E5 19.4/4.8E5 F, L, AP (Cuoco, Mathe, and Vieillescazes, 2014; Marzouk et al., 1999; Ammar et al., 2009)
14 Isorhamnetin C16H12O7 315 20.3/8.9E4 19.8/3.7E5 F, L, B, AP (Cuoco, Mathe, and Vieillescazes, 2014; Sakushima et al., 1983; Marzouk et al., 1999)
15 Isorhamnetin-3-O-rhamninoside C33H40O19 769 4.5/2.7E5 4.5/5.3E5 5.1/8.3E5 F (Marzouk et al., 1999)
16 Rhamnetin-3-O-rhamninoside C34H42O20 769 4.3/1.3E5 4.1/1.3E5 4.6/1.3E6 F, L, AP (Marzouk et al., 1999; Benamar et al., 2019)
17 Rhamnazin C17H14O7 329 21.5/1.1E5 20.9/9E4 21.3/3.2E5 20.6/8.5E4 F, L, AP (Cuoco, Mathe, and Vieillescazes, 2014; Ammar et al., 2009)
18 Rhamnazin-3-O-acetyl- rhamninosid C37H46O21 825 5.6/2.2E5 5.5/1.4E5 6.2/7.3E4 6.1/1.1E5 F (Cuoco, Mathe, and Vieillescazes, 2014)
19 Rhamnazin-3-O-robinoside C29H34O16 637 10.1/1.8E5 9.6/9.8E4 9.8/6.3E4 9.6/6.5E4 AP (Marzouk et al., 1999)
20 Rhamnocitrin C16H12O6 299 21.8/1.9E5 22.1/5.3E5 22.5/3.6E5 F, L, B, AP (Nindi et al., 1999)
21 Rhamnocitrin-3-O-acetyl- rhamninoside C36H44O20 795 5.6/7.7E4 4.9/9E4 5.2/5.4E4 F (Cuoco, Mathe, and Vieillescazes, 2014)
22 Rhamnocitrin-4′-O-rhamninoside C34H42O19 753 5.3/1.8E5 F (Ammar et al., 2009)
23 Rhamnocitrin-3-O-rhamninoside C34H42O19 753 5.7/7.8E4 5.2/1E5 5.2/1.1E5 5.1/5E5 F, AP (Ammar et al., 2009)
24 Mearnsetin C16H12O8 331 18.1/1.5E5 18.3/1.8E5 18/1.9E5 17.8/1.8E5 B (Sakushima et al., 1983)
25 Luteolin C15H10O6 285 21.3/3.8E5 22.1/3.6E5 21.9/5.3E5 L, B (Chen et al., 2016; Moussi et al., 2015; Benamar et al., 2019)
26 Apigenin C15H10O5 269 23.9/1.4E5 24.1/1.1E6 24.5/1.5E6 24.1/3.3E6 L, B (Chen et al., 2016; Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015)
27 Orientin C21H20O11 447 15.5/2.2E5 15.7/7.6E4 15.3/5.8E4 B (Chen et al., 2016)
28 Isoorientin C21H20O11 447 15.6/1.9E5 16/1.3E5 B (Chen et al., 2016)
29 Vitexin C21H20O10 431 17.2/8.8E4 17.3/1.1E5 17.5/1.3E5 B (Chen et al., 2016)
30 Diosmetin-7-O-glucoside C22H22O11 461 18/6.8E4 18.1/2.7E5 17.9/1.4E5 18.3/7.8E4 B (Chen et al., 2016)
31 Eriodictyol C15H12O6 287 22.8/1.1E5 23.1/1.9E5 23.5/4.4E5 23.1/7.1E4 L, B, AP (Sakushima et al., 1983; Marzouk et al., 1999; Benamar et al., 2019)
32 Naringenin C15H12O5 271 24.1/9.8E4 24.3/5.1E5 24.5/2.8E5 B (Chen et al., 2016)
33 Sakuranetin C16H14O5 285 25.2/2.2E5 25.3/2.7E5 25.5/5.1E5 B (Chen et al., 2016)
34 Sakuranetin dimer C32H26O10 551 24.9/5.7E4 24.8/6.5E4 25.3/3.2E5 25.2/ 3.0E4 B (Chen et al., 2016)
35 Aromadendrin C15H12O6 287 23.3/1.7E5 23.5/5.9E4 B (Sakushima et al., 1983; Chen et al., 2016)
36 Taxifolin C15H12O7 303 19.3/1.4E5 19.0/1.0E5 L, B, AP (Sakushima et al., 1983; Chen et al., 2016; Benamar et al., 2019)
37 Pallasiin C16H14O8 333 18.7/1.1E5 19/1.1E5 18.6/9.8E4 B (Sakushima et al., 1983)
38 Protocatechuic acid C7H6O4 153 1.8/1.5E5 1.7/1.9E5 1.5/1.6E5 1.6/1.1E5 F, AP (Marzouk et al., 1999; SATAKE et al., 1993)
39 p-hydroxybenzoic acid C7H6O3 137 2.1/2E5 2.6/2E5 2.4/3.2E5 F (SATAKE et al., 1993)
40 2–5-dihydroxybenzoic acid C7H6O4 153 2.1/2.6E5 2.2/7.4E4 AP (Marzouk et al., 1999)
41 Gallic acid C7H6O5 169 1.8/1.6E5 1.6/2.3E5 1.5/3.1E5 L (Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015)
42 ferulic acid C10H10O4 193 2.1/1.3E5 2.4/2.5E5 L (Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015)
43 p-Coumaric acid C9H8O3 163 3.4/1.4E5 3.5/1.5E5 L (Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015)
44 Physclon-8-O-β-primeveroside C27H30O14 697 8.4/9.8E4 8.5/5.3E4 8.2/9.1E4 8.1/1.2E5 B (Coşkun et al., 1984)
45 Emodin C15H10O5 269 20.1/1.1E5 20.6/7.2E4 20.4/1.3E6 20.9/2.5E6 F, L, B (Benamar et al., 2019; Nindi et al., 1999; SATAKE et al., 1993)
46 Chrysophanol C15H10O4 253 28.1/1E5 28.3/1.6E5 L (Benamar et al., 2019; Nindi et al., 1999)
47 Physcion C16H12O5 283 28.2/8.1E4 F, L, B (Benamar et al., 2019; Nindi et al., 1999)
48 Physcion-8-O-glucoside C22H22O10 445 16.7/1.2E5 16.8/1.2E5 16.3/9.2E4 16.1/6.6E5 B (Chen et al., 2016)
49 Physcion-8-O-rutinoside C22H22O10 591 13.1/1.1E5 12.8/6.9E4 B (Chen et al., 2016)
50 Emodin-1-glucoside C21H20O10 431 13.8/2.2E5 13.1/5.3E4 F, B (SATAKE et al., 1993)
51 Emodin anthrone C15H12O4 255 26.3/7.9E4 26.1/1.6E5 26.2/9.3E4 F, L (Benamar et al., 2019)
52 Emodin bianthrone C30H22O8 509 26.2/1.4E5 25.8/1.8E5 25.6/4E5 F (Bezabih and Abegaz, 1998)
53 Prinoidin C25H26O10 485 14/7.8E4 13.8/2.4E5 14.1/6.5E4 13.9/5.6E4 F
54 Sorigenin C12H8O4 215 27.9/3.5E6 28.1/8.9E4 L, B (Nindi et al., 1999)
55 α-sorinin C24H28O14 539 12.5/8.3E4 12.8/9.2E4 12.3/2.6E5 B (Coşkun et al., 1984)
56 Geshoidin C18H18O10 377 28.6/8.2E4 29.1/9.4E5 28.7/9.5E5 L (Nindi et al., 1999)
57 Isofraxetin C10H8O5 207 28.2/1.2E5 28.1/2.5E5 27.9/1.1E6 27.4/1.3E5 AP (Marzouk et al., 1999)
58 Isotorachrysone C14H14O4 245 27.9/8.3E4 27.5/1.7E6 B (Hsiao et al., 1996)
59 Musizin C13H12O3 215 26.3/2.5E6 L (Nindi et al., 1999)
Plant parts from other Rhamnus species previously reported in literature; Fruit (F), Leaf (L), Flower (Fl), Bark (B), Seed (S), Root (R) and Aerial part (AP). Plant parts reported from R. pallasii in the literature.
Chromatograms and corresponding mass adducts in the HM extracts of R. pallasii. (A) Total ion chromatogram (TIC) of fruit; (B) TIC of leaf; (C) TIC of bark; (D) TIC of root; (E) Emodin chromatogram (XIC) and mass adducts, m/z 269.837; (F) Kaempferol-4′-O-rhamninoside XIC and mass adducts, m/z 739.469; (G) Quercetin-3-O-robinobios XIC and mass adducts, m/z 609.991; (H) Emodin-1-glucoside XIC and mass adducts, m/z 431.823.
Fig. 3
Chromatograms and corresponding mass adducts in the HM extracts of R. pallasii. (A) Total ion chromatogram (TIC) of fruit; (B) TIC of leaf; (C) TIC of bark; (D) TIC of root; (E) Emodin chromatogram (XIC) and mass adducts, m/z 269.837; (F) Kaempferol-4′-O-rhamninoside XIC and mass adducts, m/z 739.469; (G) Quercetin-3-O-robinobios XIC and mass adducts, m/z 609.991; (H) Emodin-1-glucoside XIC and mass adducts, m/z 431.823.


3.5.1 Flavonoids

The most abundant class of chemicals discovered were flavonoids. They are potent antioxidants composed of two phenyl rings and a heterocyclic ring. Plants include a variety of flavonoid classes, including flavones, flavanones, flavonols, and anthocyanins. The flavonoids found in Rhamnus species tested in this study were classified into four classes: flavonols, flavones, flavanones, and flavanonols, as shown in Table 3. Only eight of the 38 flavonoids discovered in R. pallasii have been previously detected: quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin, mearnsetin, aromadendrin, taxifolin, eriodictyol, and pallasiin (Sakushima et al., 1983; Coşkun et al., 1984). Characterization of flavonols

Flavonols were identified as quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin, mearnsetin, rhamnazin, and rhamnocitrin aglycones and their derivatives at C-7 and/or C-3 locations. Compounds 1–6 with [M−H]- ions at m/z 301, 463, 609, 755, and 477 were identified as quercetin, quercetin-3-O-glucoside (isoquercitrin), quercetin-7-O-glucoside, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside, quercetin-3-O-robinobioside, quercetin-3-rhamnino quercetin-3-methyl ether-7-O-glucoside, respectively, based on the comparison of data obtained with literature findings (Sakushima et al., 1983; Chen et al., 2016; Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015; Marzouk et al., 1999). Additionally, derivatives of kaempferol have been found in R. pallasii and other Rhamnus species. Compounds 7–10 were identified as kaempferol, kaempferol-7-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-acetyl-rhamninoside, and kaempferol-3-O-robinoside, respectively, using [M−H]- ions at m/z 285, 447, 781, and 593. These chemicals have been isolated and identified from the fruit, leaf, and bark of more Rhamnus species, including R. davurica, R. saxatilis, R. disperma, and R. libanoticus (Chen et al., 2016; Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015; Sakushima et al., 1983; Marzouk et al., 1999). The ions found at m/z 739 were identified as kaempferol-O-rhamninoside isomers (kaempferol-3-O-rhamninoside and kaempferol-4′-O-rhamninoside) (Ammar et al., 2009; Marzouk et al., 1999). Two molecules, 13 and 14, were identified as rhamnetin and isorhamnetin at m/z 315. (Sakushima et al., 1983; Cuoco et al., 2014; Marzouk et al., 1999). Additionally, compounds 15 and 16 were identified as isorhamnetin-3-O-rhamninoside and rhamnetin-3-O-rhamninoside, respectively, due to their deprotonated molecules at m/z 769. Previously, these chemicals were discovered in the fruit and leaves of R.catharticus and R.disperma (Marzouk et al., 1999; Benamar et al., 2019). Rhamnazin 17 (m/z 329) and two rhamnazin-O-glycosides 18 (m/z 825) and 19 (m/z 637) were identified as rhamnazin-3-O-acetylrhamninosid and rhamnazin 3-O-D-robinoside, respectively. Compounds from other rhamnus species, including R. saxatilis, R.prinoides, R. alaternus, and R. disperma, were also given (Ammar et al., 2009; Cuoco et al., 2014; Marzouk et al., 1999). A [M−H]- at m/z 299 and 795 was used to identify rhamnocitrin 20 and its derivative, rhamnocitrin-3-O-acetyl-rhamninoside 21. For rhamnocitrin-4′-O-rhamninoside 22 and rhamnocitrin-3-O-rhamninoside 23, an identical pseudomolecular ion peak at m/z 753 was also found (Nindi et al., 1999; Cuoco et al., 2014; Ammar et al., 2009). Similarly, compound 24 was identified as mearnsetin, as previously described for R. pallasii (Sakushima et al., 1983). Characterization of flavones

Eight compounds isolated from various sections of R. pallasii demonstrated flavone structural features. Five of these (25–29) were identified as the flavone aglycones luteolin, apigenin, orientin, isoorientin, and vitexin, respectively, using [M−H] ions at m/z 285, 269, 447, and 431. On the basis of comparisons to published data, one flavone glycoside (30) was identified from extracts as diosmetin-7-O-glucoside (m/z 461). Earlier this year, compounds with a similar pattern were found in R. davurica, R. alaternus, and R. lycioides (Moussi et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016; Benamar et al., 2019; Ammar et al., 2009). Characterization of flavanones

Four flavanone derivatives (31–34) were identified in the plant extracts with m/z values of 287, 271, 285 and 551 and were identified as eriodictyol, naringenin, sakuranetin, and sakuranetin dimer, respectively. For R. disperma, R. lycioides, and R. davurica, these chemicals were already mentioned in the literature (Sakushima et al., 1983; Marzouk et al., 1999; Benamar et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2016). Characterization of flavanonols

Three flavanonol derivatives were found as previously published by R. davurica, R.disperma, and R.lycioides: aromadendrin 35 (m/z 287), taxifolin 36 (m/z 303), and pallasiin 37 (m/z 333). (Sakushima et al., 1983; Chen et al., 2016; Benamar et al., 2019).


3.5.2 Phenolic acids

Phenolic acids are another class of phenolic chemicals that are utilized to prevent heart disease. Additionally, they have an effect on the bitter and sour flavors of food plants (Rashmi and Negi, 2020). Essentially, hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids are two distinct subclasses of phenolic acids. Procatechuic acid 38 (m/z 153), p-hydroxybenzoic acid 39 (m/z 137), 2–5-dihydroxybenzoic acid 40 (m/z 153), and gallic acid 41 (m/z 169. 231). Ferulic acid 42 (m/z 193) and p-coumaric acid 43 (m/z 163) are hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. These derivatives of R. thymifolius, R. disperma, and R. alaternus have already been reported in the literature (Marzouk et al., 1999; satake et al., 1993; Ammar et al., 2009; Moussi et al., 2015).


3.5.3 Anthraquinones

Natural pigment derivatives known as anthraquinones or anthracenedione are generated from anthracenes and include two keto groups on the central ring. They exhibit a broad range of biological properties, including antioxidant, antifungal, anticancer, and antibacterial properties (Malik and Müller, 2016). Compounds 44–46 were identified as physclon-8-O-β-primeveroside (m/z 697), aloe-emodin (m/z 269), and chrysophanol (m/z 253), respectively, based on the identical patterns stated previously. Previous works on R.prinoides, R.thymifolius, R.lycioides, and R.libanoticus have discussed the proposed structures (Benamar et al., 2019; Nindi et al., 1999; Satake et al., 1993; Coşkun et al., 1984). A molecule with m/z 283 was identified as physcion 47. This chemical was recently discovered in Rhododendron davurica, R. lycioides, R. prinoides, and R. nakaharai (Benamar et al., 2019; Nindi et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2016). Additionally, two anthraquinone glycosides, physcion 8-O-glucoside 48 (m/z 445) and physcion 8-O-rutinoside 49 (m/z 591), were discovered. Compound 50 was identified as emodin-1-glucoside at m/z 431. Our findings corroborated earlier research (Chen et al., 2016; Satake et al., 1993). Along with the anthraquinones, three anthrone derivatives were found, notably emodin athrone 51 (m/z 255), emodin bianthrone 52 (m/z 509), and prinoidin 53 (m/z 485). To our knowledge, these chemicals have been isolated from R. prinoides, R. lycioides, and R. nepalensis (Mai et al., 2001; Bezabih and Abegaz, 1998).


3.5.4 Other compounds

Three naphthaenic lactone compounds were identified in R. pallasii extracts. Sorigenin 54 possesses a deprotonated molecular ion peak at m/z 215 and was earlier found by R.prinoides (Nindi et al., 1999). In any case, chemicals 55 and 56 have been tentatively identified as α-sorinin (m/z 539) and geshoidin (m/z 377, respectively. These naphthalene glycosides are well-studied in R.prinoides (Coşkun et al., 1984; Nindi et al., 1999). A coumarin derivative was tentatively attributed to one of the compounds 57 with m/z 207. Isofraxetin was the name given to this chemical in the literature (Marzouk et al., 1999). Additionally, two naphthalene derivatives from R. pallasii were identified: isotorachrysone 58 (m/z 245.145) and musizin 59 (m/z 215.145). These chemicals were identified using previously published data on R. davurica, R. nakaharai, and R.prinoides (Chen et al., 2016; Hsiao et al., 1996; Nindi et al., 1999).


3.5.5 Comparison between phenolic compounds in different parts of R. Pallasii

The profile and relative intensity (En) of detected compounds varied according to the plant's morphology, as 49, 45, 41, and 48 compounds with varying intensities were discovered in fruit, leaf, bark, and root extracts, respectively. Flavonols (44.89 % of total phenols, 5.7E4 to 2.7E5) were found in the fruits, followed by anthraquinones (16.32 %, 4.7E4 to 1.2E5), flavones (10.20 %, 6.8E4-2.2E5), phenolic acids (8.16 %, 1.1E5 to 2.0 E5), flavanones (6.12 %, 5.7E4 to 1.1E5), flavanono (8.16 %, 8.2E4 to 1.2E5). In turn, flavonols (53.33 %, 4.6E4 to 1.3E6) were more abundant in leaves than anthraquinones (17.77 %, 4.0E4 to 2.5E6), flavanones (8.88 %, 3.0E4 to 5.1E5), flavones (6.66 %, 7.8E4-3.3E6), flavanonols (4.44 %, 5.9E4 to 9.8E4), phenolic acids (4.44 %, 1.3E5 to 9.5E5). However, flavonols were the most abundant class in the barks (39.02 %, 6.3E4 to 3.6E5), followed by anthraquinones (19.51 %, 6.5E4 to 1.3E6), phenolic acids (12.9 %, 1.6E5 to 3.2E5), flavanones (9.75 %, 2.7E5 to 5.1E5), flavones (9.75 %, 1.3E5-1.5E6), flavanon (12.5 %, 9.2E4 to 3.5E6). Among the phenolic chemicals found in plant components, the most abundant were quercetin-3-rhamninoside (flavonol, 6.9E6), sorigenin (naphthaenic lactone, 3.5E6), apigenin (flavone, 3.3E6), emodin (anthraquinone, 2.5E6), musizin and isotorachrysone (naphthalene derivatives, 1.7–2.5E6) and rhamnetin-3-O-rhamninoside (flavonol, 1.3E6). Overall, all samples, particularly the fruit extract, exhibited a high concentration of flavonoid and phenolic acid components, indicating that they were excellent natural sources of antioxidant and antibacterial agents.


4 Conclusion

This is the only study that we are aware of that examines the phytochemical profile, antioxidant activity, and antibacterial activity of several sections of R. pallasii subsp. sintenisii. LC-ESI-MS and GC–MS analyses were performed on individual morphological parts of species (fruit, leaf, bark, and root) in order to identify the chemicals responsible for their biological activity. The HM extracts of all samples, particularly the fruit and leaf, were high in polyphenols, including flavonols, flavones, flavanones, flavanonols, phenolic acids, and anthraquinones, and shown substantial antioxidant and antibacterial activity. The EP extract of the root, on the other hand, was a rich source of terpenes and had substantial antibacterial activity. These results may be explained by components of quercetin-3-rhamninoside, apigenin, emodin, quercetin, isorhamnetin-3-O-rhamninoside, and orientin discovered in this work. Additionally, the polar and nonpolar extracts of this species may provide valuable natural chemicals for the creation of novel medications. Additional research on the morphological characteristics of species is required to unravel the mechanism of antioxidant and antibacterial activity and to isolate bioactive components from extracts with higher therapeutic effects.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Soghra Mahmoodi: Investigation, Methodology. Akram Taleghani: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Writing – original draft, Software. Reza Akbari: Conceptualization, Investigation, Formal analysis. Majid Mokaber-Esfahani: Investigation, Methodology.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of this work by the University of Gonbad Kavous Research Council.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Appendix A

Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2022.103924.

Appendix A

Supplementary material

The following are the Supplementary data to this article:

Supplementary data 1

Supplementary data 1

Supplementary data 2

Supplementary data 2

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