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Original article
11 2022

Development of GC–MS/MS method for environmental monitoring of 49 pesticide residues in food commodities in Al-Rass, Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia

Department of Basic Sciences, the Higher Institute for Engineering, Automotive Technology and Energy, New Heliopolis 11829, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Chemical Engineering, Higher Technological Institute (HTI), Tenth of Ramadan City 44916, Egypt
ADECO for Environmental Consultations, Riyadh 11321, Saudi Arabia
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Productivity and Quality Institute, Alexandria, Egypt
School of Engineering and Technology, Badr University in Cairo (BUC) , Badr City, Cairo 11829, Egypt
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
School of Biotechnology, Badr University in Cairo (BUC), Badr City, Cairo 11829, Egypt

⁎Corresponding author. mohamed.ahmed_ali@buc.edu.eg (Mohamed A. Ali)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


The harmful effects of pesticide residues are a threat to our health. Therefore, the current study aimed to validate a simple method for the determination of pesticide residues in commonly consumed fruits and vegetables from Al-Rass, Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia. A total of 1430 samples were collected from a local market and then analyzed for monitoring of 49 pesticide residues. A quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) multi-residue extraction method followed by gas chromatography equipped with triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) was successfully implemented. This 17-min-run analytical method detects and quantifies pesticide residues with acceptable validation performance parameters in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, linearity, the limit of quantification, accuracy, and precision. The linear range of the calibration curves ranged from 10 to 300 µg/L, all the pesticide LODs ranged from 0.0005 to 0.0024 mg/kg, and the pesticide LOQs ranged from 0.0011 to 0.0047 mg/kg. The recovery values at the three fortification levels ranged from 78 % to 107 %, and the precision values (expressed as RSD%) were less than 20 % for all of the investigated analytes. The results showed that 138 (9.65 %) of the analyzed samples were contaminated with pesticide residues, 40 (2.80 %) of the analyzed samples exceeded the maximum residue limit (MRL) of the European Commission regulations (EC) for pesticides residues, 98 (6.85 %) of the analyzed samples were contaminated with residues below the MRL, and 1292 (90.35 %) of the analyzed samples were pesticide residue-free. Coriander contained the highest percentage (46.88 %) of pesticide residues, particularly tetradifon that representing 18.75 % noncompliance with the MRL, followed by parsley, with 20.59 % pesticide residues (10.29 % non-compliance). Multiple pesticide residues were observed most frequently in tomatoes and dates which were contaminated with buprofezin and ethion respectively.


Food commodities
Maximum residue limits, Method validation
Pesticide residues

1 Introduction

The rapidly increasing world population requires large-scale and frequent production of food commodities that are free of contaminants, such as pesticide residues, heavy metals, and detergents.

Pesticide residues have toxic effects on humans that may lead to acute and chronic adverse health effects, depending on the concentration and method of exposure. Global pesticide usage had increased to 3.5 million tonnes (Sharma et al., 2019); hence, the agricultural products contaminated with pesticide residues are considered the most common pathway for chemical contaminants to reach humans (Abdalla et al., 2018).

Pesticides are generally applied in different ways during the production of fruits and vegetables to prevent the growth of agricultural pests, to extend storage periods, and to improve crop quality post-harvest (Abdalla et al., 2018). Significant attention has been paid to pesticides because of their use in agricultural activities worldwide for different crops and for their neurological effects on humans as a consequence of excess exposure (Rawn et al., 2008). Identifying and detecting potentially adverse health outcomes associated with these residues is the focus of ongoing research.

Maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides in food and feed have been established by the European Union (EU) (Regulation European Commission (EC) No 396/2005) (EC, 2006) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (CAC, 2016) to reduce the environmental and health issues. Ensuring the concentration of pesticides in the consumed food commodities will create no harm, with a high degree of certainty. Continuous monitoring is essential for identifying pesticide residues for many reasons, such as the quality and safety of food and for the research purpose (FDA Monitoring Program, 1993; Koesukwiwat et al., 2010; Okihashi et al., 2005).

The evolution of sample preparation methods for analyzing pesticide residues started in 1963 with the analysis of organochlorine insecticides using acetonitrile with petroleum ether. Later, acetone was employed to avoid the partial loss of polar pesticides, and salt was used to improve the recovery of the pesticides.

In the 1990 s, the Luke extraction method triggered solid-phase extraction to satisfy the need for a lower limit of quantification (LOQ) (Shendy et al., 2016). Following this, many methods were developed, including gel-permeation chromatography, microwave-assisted extraction, accelerated solvent extraction, and supercritical fluid extraction until the introduction of the revolutionary quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) method, which is suitable for most official analysis methods.

This procedure requires only small quantities of solvent and is capable of generating recoveries of 70–120 % with RSDs less than 5 % for a wide range of compounds. It has two steps: the first one is the solvent extraction which is designed to achieve the maximum yield of analytes from the base matrix where the analytes are extracted from the matrix with acetonitrile and salts/buffers. The second step is the sample cleanup which is necessary to reduce any interferences that can damage the analytical instrumentation and complicate the analyte identification and quantification (Zaidon et al., 2019).

The current study used the AOAC Official Method 2007.01 Pesticide Residues in Foods, which uses acetonitrile extraction and partitioning with magnesium sulfate (Bidari et al., 2011). This method was developed by various laboratories as a replacement method for conventional sample preparation. The QuEChERS method saves time, uses less solvents compared to other methods and delivers reliable results (Anastassiades et al., 2003; Lehotay et al., 2010; Shendy et al., 2019, 2016) The analysis of multi-pesticide residues based on liquid chromatography (LC-MS) and gas chromatography (GC–MS) techniques is widely used (Facco et al., 2015; Molina-Ruiz et al., 2015)., including the AOAC Official Method 2007.01 and the EN 15662:2018 and PD CEN/TR 15641:2007 standards (Lehotay, 2007; Recommendation, 2007; Standardization, 2018). Analytical methods can be validated by investigating different parameters such as: the limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), linearity, matrix effect, precision, trueness, specificity, and robustness. Moreover, the obtained results can be compared to the results of standard methods by ensuring that they fall within the accepted range of them.

Countries pay much attention to keeping their citizens healthy thus, Saudi Arabia addresses the importance of this issue by managing pesticide residues. This study was conducted in Al-Rass city, which lies in the approximate center of the Arabian Peninsula and is considered a province of the Al-Qassim region (Mohieldein et al., 2011). A total of 23 pesticides from different chemical groups in 160 different domestic vegetables collected from supermarkets located in Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia, were identified by (K.A. Osman et al., 2010). Residues were found in 89 of the 160 samples and 53 samples were above the maximum residue levels (MRLs). The most frequently found pesticides were carbaryl followed by biphenyl and then carbofuran. Cabbage was the most positive and violated MLRs, followed by carrot and green pepper, cucumber, egg-plant, squash, lettuce and tomato. The highest concentrations were found in lettuce (ethiofencarb, 7.648), followed by tomato (tolclofos-methyl, 7.312 mg/kg), cabbage (chlropyrifos, 6.207 g/kg), carrot (heptanophos, 3.267 mg/kg), green pepper (carbaryl, 2.228 mg/kg) and egg-plant (carbaryl, 1.917 mg/ kg). the evaluation of Pesticide Residues in Vegetables from the Asir Region, Saudi Arabia by (Mohamed F. A. Ramadan et al.,2020) showed that lettuce, cauliflower, and carrot samples were found to be free from pesticide residues. A total of 145 samples (68.7 %) contained detectable pesticide residues at or lower than MRLs, and 44 samples (20.9 %) contained detectable pesticide residues above MRLs. MRL values were exceeded most often in chili pepper (14 samples) and cucumber (10 samples). Methomyl, imidacloprid, metalaxyl, and cyproconazole were the most frequently detected pesticides. Few reports on the contamination of fruits and vegetables by various pesticides in this region hence, this study aims to develop and to validate a simple method for monitoring 49 pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables commonly consumed in Al-Rass city for quality control and food safety concerns.


2 Materials and methods


2.1 Materials

All the materials were of analytical grade (Fisher Chemical Scientific, UK) and used without additional purification. All reagents were HPLC grade (Fisher Chemical Scientific, UK). Ultrapure water was produced by a water purification system (Elga, Germany) with a specific resistivity of 18.2 mΩ.cm.


2.2 Instrument and instrumental conditions


2.2.1 GC–MS/MS method and triple-quadrupole MS settings

A triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, USA) was used in timed-selection reaction monitoring (t-SRM) acquisition mode for the mass spectrometric detection using the TSQ 8000 Pesticide Analyzer system technique to create all the analytical methods and SRM settings described as follows.

Gas chromatography and a mass detector triple-quadrupole GC–MS/MS (TRACE GC 1300 and TSQ 8000 Evo; Thermo Scientific, USA) equipped with an autosampler (AL 1310) were used. The GC system was equipped with a capillary column (TG-5MS; Thermo Scientific), which was 30 m long, had an internal diameter of 0.25 mm, and the film thickness was 0.25 μm. The temperature of the injector and ion source was 220 °C. The detector voltage was 70 eV, and the MS spectra were scanned in the mass range of 50–600 m/z, as recommended by the GC–MS/MS manufacturer (Kim et al., 2006). The carrier gas flow rate in the column was 1.0 mL/min, and grade 5 helium (99.999) was used as the carrier gas. 1.0 µl of the sample was injected for each run via splitless mode and the surge pressure was 200.0 kPa (Abdalla et al., 2018). The oven heating started at 100 °C with a holding time of 1 min then it was raised to 180 °C at a ramp rate of 30 °C/min. Finally, the temperature was raised to 280 °C with a holding time of 4 min.

The TSQ 8000 system automatically optimized the acquisition windows and the instrument duty cycle using timed-selection reaction monitoring (t-SRM) for maximum sensitivity. Xcalibur™ 2.2 SP1.48 software was used for data acquisition (Michely et al., 2017). Three replicates and their means were used for the reported results. The instrumental SRM conditions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Instrumental SRM table of the list of pesticides.
# Name RT M.wt M/z 1 M/z 2 M/z 3
Mass PM CE Mass PM CE Mass PM CE
1 diclorovos 3.688 220 109 79 6 185 93 12 146.1 128 8
2 carbofuran 4.024 221.25 149.1 103 16 149.1 121 8 164.1 131 16
3 propamocarb 4.541 188.2 58 42 20 58 43 14
4 trifluralin 6.222 335.28 163.1 133 10 264 160 14 306.1 206 12
5 benfluralin 6.259 335.28 163.1 133 8 264 188 8 292.1 206 10
6 dimethoate 6.793 229.26 87 50 16 93 53 14 125 47 12
7 atrazin 6.926 215 58.1 42 24 200.1 122 8 215.1 138 10
8 cyanophos 7.144 243 109 79 8 125 47 12 243 109 10
9 diazinon 7.188 304 172.9 145 14 175 147 14 179.1 122 22
10 pirimicarb 7.596 238.29 72 56 12 238.1 166 10 166.1 96 12
11 desmetryn 7.882 213 171.1 114 12 171.1 156 8 198.1 82 20
12 chlorpyrifos-methyl 7.99 322.5 198.1 82 16 285.9 93 20 287.9 93 22
13 vinclozolin 8.038 286.11 178 115 20 178 143 16 212 122 10
14 tolcophos-methyl 8.116 301.13 125 47 12 125 79 8 265 250 10
15 ametrine 8.212 227.33 170.1 102 10 212.1 122 10 227.1 58 12
16 pirimiphos-methyl 8.416 305 276.1 125 16 290.1 125 20 305.1 180 8
17 ethofumesate 8.501 286.34 137 81 10 161 105 10 207.1 137 10
18 malathion 8.593 330 127.1 99 6 173.1 99 12 207 137 10
19 diethofencarb 8.712 267.32 207.1 191 14 225.1 96 24 267.2 225 8
20 chlorpyrifos 8.749 350.59 97 47 30 196.9 169 12 198.9 171 12
21 aldrin 8.909 364.896 66.1 65 12 260.9 191 32 262.8 228 20
22 pirimiphos-ethyl 9.069 333.39 168.1 69 22 168.1 100 16 318.1 166 12
23 bromophos-methyl 9.147 363 125 47 12 328.9 314 12 125 79 8
24 pendimethalin 9.317 281.31 162.1 147 10 191.1 133 12 191.1 161 8
25 penconazole 9.443 284.2 159 89 30 159 123 18 161 89 30
26 procymidone 9.671 284.138 67.1 41 12 67.1 65 8 96.1 67 10
27 triadimenol 9.8 295.76 112.1 58 8 168.1 70 10 207 191 14
28 prothiofos 10.354 345.2 83.1 82 6 267 205 18 267 221 18
29 oxadiazon 10.47 344 174.9 112 14 174.9 140 10 174.9 147 8
30 kresoxim-methyl 10.593 313.3 116 89 14 131.1 90 14 206.1 116 8
31 buprofezin 10.627 305 105.1 77 18 105.1 104 8 106.1 77 18
32 dieldrin 10.671 380.91 79.1 77 12 143 43 16 235 143 10
33 chlorfenapyr 10.766 407.6 59 29 10 59 31 6 207 191 14
34 diafenthiuron 11.031 384.6 207 191 14 296.1 262 10 311.2 254 14
35 chlorbenzilate 11.082 325.19 139 111 12 207.1 191 14 251 139 12
36 ethion 11.222 383 96.9 47 28 153 97 10 231 129 22
37 chlorthiophos 11.273 361.2 96.9 47 28 268.9 205 14 325 269 12
38 trifloxystrobin 11.678 408.37 116 89 14 131.1 90 14 207.1 191 14
39 carbophenothion 11.722 342.9 96.9 47 28 121 65 10 157 45 12
40 propiconazol (i) 11.79 342.2 173 145 14 207 191 14 259 69 10
41 propiconazol (ii) 11.902 342.2 69.1 39 16 173 109 18 207 191 16
42 diclofob-methyl 12.161 341.2 253 162 16 255 147 24 340 253 10
43 resmethrin (i) 12.198 338.44 123.1 81 8 207 191 14 281.1 91 26
44 resmethrin (ii) 12.314 338.44 123.1 81 8 171.1 128 14 207 191 14
45 bifenithrin 12.746 422 165.1 164 20 166.1 165 12 181.1 165 24
46 tetradifon 13.317 356.05 159 131 10 207 191 16 226.9 199 12
47 cis-permethrin 14.586 391.28 183.1 153 10 207 191 14 281 249 18
48 trans-permethrin 14.742 391.28 183.1 165 10 281.1 249 18 281.1 265 10
49 etofenprox 16.202 376.5 163.1 107 18 163.1 135 10 281.1 249 18


2.3 Standard solutions

The reference standards for all of the investigated groups of pesticides were purchased from Fluka (Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. Louis, MO, USA) with certified purities ranging from 95 to 99 %. An Elga Integral system produced the ultrapure water. Stock standard solutions were individually prepared in acetonitrile for each pesticide (1000.0 mg/L). Working standard solutions with a concentration of 10.0 mg/L were used for the preparation of matrix-matched calibration standards with seven calibration levels: 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 200.0, and 300.0 µg/L. Acetonitrile was used for the preparation and further dilution of the standard solutions. They were stored at − 20 °C until required, except for the matrix-matched calibration standards, which were prepared using pesticide residue-free green pepper and used immediately after preparation.


2.4 Sample preparation


2.4.1 Sample collection and storage

Fifteen fresh fruits and vegetables (i.e. tomato, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, okra, green pepper, grape, coriander, parsley, bean, rocca, leek, peppermint, dates, and lettuce) were collected from different local markets in Al-Rass city between February 2019 and June 2020 according to the Codex’s recommended sampling methods (Hovind et al., 2012). The samples were kept in clean polyethylene bags inside an icebox before transportation to the laboratory. The samples were homogenized using an electrical grinder (Kenwood, China) and prepared according to the published guidelines (CAC, 2016) then stored at 4 °C to avoid the degradation of any pesticide during storage.


2.4.2 Sample preparation and spiking procedures

15.0 g (±0.1 g) of the homogenized sample was transferred into a 50-mL centrifuge tube (blue cap, sterile polypropylene; Capp, Denmark). A mixture of 49 pesticide standard solutions (10.0 mg/l) was used for spiking the 15.0 g weighted green pepper samples to yield final concentrations of 10.0, 100.0, and 300.0 µg/l.


2.4.3 Extraction procedures

15 mL of 1 % glacial acetic acid in acetonitrile was added to each sample using an analog adjustable bottle-top dispenser (Dispensator; Brand, Germany), and a 50-mL ceramic homogenizer (Agilent Technology, USA) was used to ensure the homogeneity of the samples. The 50-mL tubes were then shaken by vortex (Select; Bioproducts, USA) for 0.5 min. To each tube, 6.0 g of MgSO4 and 1.50 g of sodium acetate (Chromabond, Germany) were added directly using an analytical balance (ABJ-NM/ABS-N; Kern, Germany). The sample tubes were tightly capped and vigorously hand-shaken for 1 min and then shaken by a vortex for 1 min. The tubes were then cool-centrifuged in a standard centrifuge (Pro-Research K241R; Centurion Scientific, UK) at 5000 rpm for 5 min at 6 °C.


2.4.4 Cleanup procedures

An aliquot of 4 mL (the top layer) of the acetonitrile extracts was transferred by a single-channel micropipette (CAPP, Denmark) into a 15-mL centrifuge tube (United Chem.), which contained 150 mg of primary–secondary amine (PSA), 45 mg of graphitized carbon black (GCB), and 855 mg of anhydrous MgSO4. The samples were tightly capped and vortexed for 1 min and then cool-centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min at 5 °C.

An amount (1 mL) of the slightly colored supernatant was transferred into a glass syringe with a hollow handle and metal record cone (Jena-Glass, Germany) fitted with a nylon syringe filter with a pore size of 0.22 μm (ChromTech, UK) and then filtered into a capped 1.5 mL amber glass vial (Machery-Nagel, Germany). The samples were then thoroughly vortexed before being analyzed by GC–MS/MS whereas Xcalibur software was used for data acquisition.


2.5 Method validation parameters


2.5.1 Specificity

It can be attained by injecting a reagent blank (i.e., deionized water instead of a sample) then with a duplicate blank control sample.


2.5.2 Linearity, working range, and sensitivity

The instrument was calibrated by measuring a blank matrix sample and seven matrix-matched calibration points (10.0–300.0 µg/l) across the range of interest three times on three different days. Each calibration curve was visually examined, and the r2 and slope were determined.


2.5.3 Limit of detection and limit of quantification

The LOD and the LOQ were calculated from three independent runs on three different days by analyzing 10 replicates of the method blank per run. The standard deviation (sigma) of the instrument response and the slope of the calibration curve for each pesticide per run were calculated.

The LOD and LOQ (µg/L) were then calculated for each run using the following equations adapted from ICH Q2 (R1) (Borman and Elder, 2017):

L O D = 3.3 × σ S
L O Q = 10 × σ S
where σ is the standard deviation of the response and S is the slope of the calibration curve (measured in counts: µg−1L). Finally, one value for each pesticide was obtained by averaging the LOD and LOQ from the three runs.


2.5.4 Precision and recovery

For the recovery experiment, we used spiked samples at three levels (i.e., 10.0, 100.0 and 300.0 µg/l) for eight independent runs. The average recovery for each spiked level was between 70 % and 120 %. Precision was assessed by evaluating the in-laboratory repeatability and reproducibility (intermediate precision) by calculating the relative standard deviation of the duplicated measurements for three months using two operators on different days with independent calibration curves and different batches of reagents.

The repeatability relative standard deviation (RSDr) and within-laboratory reproducibility relative standard deviation (RSDRw) should be no more than 20 %.


3 Results and discussion


3.1 Method validation

The quick, sensitive, and robust QuEChERS method was used to extract multiresidue pesticides from the vegetable samples. We used green pepper as the representative matrix for spiking of our validation study of the high water content commodity group except for grapes, as per the SANTE 2019 guidelines (European Commission, 2019).

The accuracy, precision, and detection limitations of the approach were investigated under optimal conditions. The recovery values at the three fortification levels ranged from 78 % to 107 %, and the precision values (expressed as RSD%) were less than 20 % for all of the investigated analytes (Table 2), which satisfied the criteria for quantitative methods for pesticide residues in food (European Commission, 2019).

Table 2 Results of the validation of the GC–MS/MS method to determine 49 pesticide residues.
# Pesticide Linear range (ug/L) r2 LOD
Spiked level 0.01 mg/kg Spiked level 0.1 mg/kg Spiked level 0.3 mg/kg Precisi-on Reco-very%
Rec.% RSDr %n = 5 Rec.% RSDr %n = 5 Rec.% RSDr %n = 5 RSDR%
1 diclorovos 10–300 0.9957 0.0008 0.0016 102 10.7 104 6.8 106 8.9 8.8 104
2 carbofuran 50–300 0.9938 0.0024 0.0046 89 8.3 96 11.4 93 10.4 10.1 93
3 propamocarb 10–300 0.9969 0.0009 0.0019 100 8.7 100 9 90 13.3 10.3 97
4 trifluralin 0.9983 0.0007 0.0015 103 13.9 103 8.2 101 15.2 12.4 102
5 benfluralin 0.9956 0.0012 0.0024 99 7 100 8.3 96 16.8 10.7 98
6 dimethoate 0.9978 0.0008 0.0017 99 9.6 96 6.8 88 7.9 8.1 94
7 atrazin 0.9981 0.0006 0.0012 84 5.2 84 10.9 82 6.8 7.6 83
8 cyanophos 0.9972 0.0009 0.0018 103 5.8 95 9.6 93 7.4 7.6 97
9 diazinon 0.9994 0.0024 0.0045 86 12.6 85 12.8 93 5.4 10.3 88
10 pirimicarb 0.9997 0.0005 0.0011 107 5 101 9.1 97 8.7 7.6 102
11 desmetryn 0.9997 0.0021 0.0042 99 6.2 94 9.8 96 7.2 7.7 96
12 chlorpyrifos-methyl 0.9959 0.0012 0.0023 93 11.6 97 9.5 88 12.5 11.2 93
13 vinclozolin 0.9999 0.0009 0.0018 100 11.2 106 8.1 106 7.1 8.8 104
14 tolcophos-methyl 0.9994 0.0018 0.0037 105 3 99 7.2 94 5.1 5.2 99
15 ametrine 0.9996 0.002 0.004 105 9.5 104 9.3 98 10.4 9.7 102
16 pirimiphos-methyl 0.9971 0.0005 0.0009 104 3.1 96 6.7 90 4.4 4.8 97
17 ethofumesate 0.9989 0.0006 0.0012 96 10.3 93 8.3 89 5.5 8 93
18 malathion 0.9934 0.0021 0.0043 96 8.6 90 6.9 90 11 8.8 92
19 diethofencarb 0.9995 0.0008 0.0016 94 7.3 95 6.6 92 7.1 7 94
20 chlorpyrifos 0.9996 0.0023 0.0046 106 8.6 104 6.4 101 6.8 7.2 104
21 aldrin 0.9987 0.0021 0.0042 111 5.1 108 7.5 103 10.6 7.7 107
22 pirimiphos-ethyl 0.9998 0.0008 0.0016 97 7 88 8.9 88 5.7 7.2 91
23 bromophos-methyl 0.9925 0.002 0.004 99 5.2 100 9.6 101 4.5 6.4 100
24 pendimethalin 0.9982 0.0005 0.0011 91 6.5 88 6.9 86 6.7 6.7 88
25 penconazole 0.9992 0.0009 0.0018 102 8 102 4.2 104 5.5 5.9 103
26 procymidone 0.9961 0.0012 0.0023 102 6.7 96 9.9 91 6.3 7.6 96
27 triadimenol 50–300 0.9968 0.0011 0.0023 105 3 99 5.6 91 6.1 4.9 98
28 prothiofos 10–300 0.9987 0.0006 0.0012 97 9.6 97 9.4 96 14.1 11.1 97
29 oxadiazon 0.9998 0.0023 0.0045 107 4.2 106 5 96 10.8 6.7 103
30 kresoxim-methyl 0.9945 0.0012 0.0023 98 6.2 94 6.5 91 4.8 5.8 94
31 buprofezin 0.9979 0.0006 0.0012 106 4.9 96 8.3 90 6.9 6.7 97
32 dieldrin 0.9984 0.0023 0.0045 95 7.3 97 12.9 99 6.4 8.9 97
33 chlorfenapyr 0.9965 0.0023 0.0047 97 8.1 100 8.9 100 10.1 9.1 99
34 diafenthiuron 0.9981 0.002 0.0039 98 3.8 88 10.4 85 7 7.1 90
35 chlorbenzilate 10–300 0.9968 0.0006 0.0012 112 2.6 108 5.2 104 8.4 5.4 108
36 ethion 0.9939 0.0021 0.0042 105 13.9 101 8.3 89 14.9 12.4 98
37 chlorthiophos 0.9965 0.0019 0.0037 99 10.8 101 9.2 100 6.5 8.8 100
38 trifloxystrobin 0.9979 0.0023 0.0046 87 9.9 86 10.1 94 16.1 12 89
39 carbophenothion 0.9867 0.0023 0.0047 96 5.4 98 9 95 3.8 6.1 96
40 propiconazol (i) 0.9935 0.0012 0.0024 82 6.5 109 5.9 98 5.2 5.9 96
41 propiconazol (ii) 0.9979 0.0012 0.0024 102 3.2 105 5.8 103 11.3 6.8 103
42 diclofob-methyl 0.9954 0.0006 0.0012 99 4.3 99 8.5 95 6.1 6.3 98
43 resmethrin (i) 0.9981 0.0022 0.0046 111 4.7 100 7.5 95 5.9 6.1 102
44 resmethrin (ii) 0.9939 0.0022 0.0046 116 3.2 98 15.3 82 7.1 8.5 99
45 bifenithrin 0.9955 0.0005 0.0012 109 7.9 109 5.7 104 9 7.5 107
46 tetradifon 0.9957 0.0011 0.0022 75 3.9 81 8.7 79 6.5 6.4 78
47 cis-permethrin 0.9981 0.0012 0.0023 84 9.1 79 7.6 78 8.5 8.4 80
48 trans-permethrin 0.9901 0.0018 0.0037 80 5.4 84 8.3 89 9.6 7.8 84
49 etofenprox 0.9956 0.002 0.0039 107 6.2 101 10.5 98 8.9 8.5 102

The instrument responses for the reagent blank and blank control samples were less than 30 % of the LOQ. Linearity was evaluated by calibration curves in different ranges for different pesticide residues (Table 3). The linear range of the calibration curves ranged from 10.0 to 300.0 µg/L. All the pesticide LODs ranged from 0.0005 to 0.0024 mg/kg, and the pesticide LOQs ranged from 0.0011 to 0.0047 mg/kg, which met the EU regulation requirement for pesticide MRL (10.0 µg/kg).

Table 3 Monitoring of different pesticide residues in food commodities.
Food commodity No. of samples Pesticide residue-free samples Samples contaminated with pesticide residues Percentage of contaminated samples
Samples with

Residue < MRL
% < MRL Samples with

Residue > MRL
% > MRL
Tomato 327 280 47 14.37 32 9.79 15 4.59
Cucumber 186 167 19 10.22 18 9.68 1 0.54
Zucchini 114 110 4 3.50 4 3.51 0 0.00
Eggplant 93 92 1 1.08 1 1.08 0 0.00
Green pepper 149 131 18 12.08 16 10.74 2 1.34
Okra 30 30 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Grape 24 20 4 16.67 3 12.50 1 4.17
Coriander 32 17 15 46.88 9 28.13 6 18.75
Parsley 68 54 14 20.59 7 10.29 7 10.29
Bean 18 18 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Rocca 43 43 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Leek 41 39 2 4.88 2 4.88 0 0.00
Peppermint 14 13 1 7.14 1 7.14 0 0.00
Dates 267 255 12 4.49 4 1.50 8 3.00
Lettuce 24 23 1 4.17 1 4.17 0 0.00
Total 1430 1292 138 9.65 % 98 6.85 % 40 2.80 %

The determination coefficient varied between 0.9867 and 0.9999, indicating the suitability of the method for pesticide quantification. The linearity, LOD, LOQ, precision (RSDr and RSDRw), and accuracy (determined by recovery studies) for the different pesticide residues are shown in Table 2. The recovery of the analyzed pesticides ranged from 78 % for tetradifon to 107.5 % for bifenthrin, as determined at three spiking levels (i.e., 10.0, 100.0, and 300.0 µg/kg). The recoveries were all within the appropriate range of the SANTE/12682/2019 guidelines (European Commission, 2019). The matrix-matched calibration method was proposed to minimize the matrix effect.

The repeatability of the method was evaluated by calculating Relative Standard Deviation (RSDr) which ranged from 3 % to 13.9 % at 10.0 µg/kg, 4.2 % to 15.3 % at 100.0 µg/kg, and 3.8 % to 16.8 % at 300.0 µg/kg. The reproducibility of the method, evaluated by calculating Relative Standard Deviation (the RSDRW on three different days of analysis for different concentration levels and with different operators and values, varied from 4.80 % to 12.4 %, which was considered acceptable (Melo et al., 2020).


3.2 Monitoring pesticide residues in food commodities

The concentrations of the pesticide residues found in 1430 samples of fruits and vegetables from Al-Rass city indicated that 138 samples (9.65 %) were contaminated with pesticide residues, of which 40 samples (2.8 %) exceeded the MRL of the European Commission regulations, 98 samples (6.85 %) were contaminated with pesticide residues below the MRL, and 1292 samples (90.35 %) were found to be pesticide residue-free.

Coriander, parsley, grapes, and tomato commodities had the highest contamination percentages, with pesticide residues of 46.88 %, 20.59 %, 16.67 %, and 14.37 %, respectively. The highest percentage of non-compliance with European commission regulations (CAC, 2016) MRLs was with 18.75 %, 10.29 %, 4.17 %, and 4.59 %, respectively. Okra, rocca, and bean commodities were found to be pesticide residue-free. Table 3 presents the details of all the commodities and the sample statistics.

The most frequently detected pesticides were buprofezin in tomato (34.04 %), trifloxystrobin in cucumber (36.84 %), bifenthrin in green pepper (38.89 %), tetradifon in coriander (93.33 %), buprofezin in parsley (42.86 %), and ethion in dates (83.33 %). Table 4 presents the frequency and ranges of the detectable pesticide residues in the tested commodities.

Table 4 Type of pesticides detected and frequency of detection in tested food commodities.
Food commodity No. of contaminated samples with pesticides residues Detected pesticides Frequency of detection (%) No. of Samples with residues < MRL
No. of Samples with residues > MRL
Tomato 47 trifloxystrobin 3 (6.38 %) 3 (6.38 %) 0 (0.0 %)
ethion 3 (6.38 %) 2 (4.26 %) 1 (2.13 %)
tolcophos-methyle 1 (2.13 %) 0 (0.0 %) 1 (2.13 %)
propiconazole 3 (6.38 %) 3 (6.38 %) 0 (0.0 %)
malathion 6 (12.77 %) 1 (2.13 %) 5 (10.64 %)
bifenthrin 4 (8.51 %) 4 (8.51 %) 0 (0.0 %)
buprofezin 16 (34.04 %) 11 (23.40 %) 5 (10.64 %)
propamocarb 3 (6.38 %) 3 (6.38 %) 0 (0.0 %)
diafenthiuron 1 (2.13 %) 0 (0.0 %) 1 (2.13 %)
chlorpyrifos 4 (8.51 %) 4 (8.51 %) 0 (0.0 %)
carbofuran 2 (4.26 %) 0 (0.0 %) 2 (4.26 %)
procymidone 1 (2.13 %) 1 (2.13 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Cucumber 19 metalaxyl 1 (5.26 %) 1 (5.26 %) 0 (0.0 %)
malathion 1 (5.26 %) 1 (5.26 %) 0 (0.0 %)
bifenthrin 3 (15.79 %) 2 (10.53 %) 1 (5.26 %)
propiconazole 3 (15.79 %) 3 (15.79 %) 0 (0.0 %)
propamocarb 4 (21.05 %) 4 (21.05 %) 0 (0.0 %)
trifloxystrobin 7 (36.84 %) 7 (36.84 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Zucchini 4 trifloxystrobin 2 (50 %) 2 (50 %) 0 (0.0 %)
buprofezin 1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) 0 (0.0 %)
chlorpyrifos 1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Eggplant 1 bifenthrin 1 (100 %) 1 (100 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Green pepper 18 chlorfenapyr 2 (11.11 %) 0 (0.0 %) 2 (11.11 %)
triadimenol 1 (5.56 %) 1 (5.56 %) 0 (0.0 %)
buprofezin 3 (16.67 %) 3 (16.67 %) 0 (0.0 %)
trifloxystrobin 2 (11.11 %) 2 (11.11 %) 0 (0.0 %)
bifenthrin 7 (38.89 %) 7 (38.89 %) 0 (0.0 %)
propiconazole 3 (16.67 %) 3 (16.67 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Okra 0 na NA NA NA
Grape 4 propiconazol 1 (25 %) 0 (0.0 %) 1 (25 %)
buprofezin 3 (75 %) 3 (75 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Coriander 15 tetradifon 14 (93.33 %) 8 (53.33 %) 6 (40.0 %)
oxadiazon 1 (6.67 %) 1 (6.67 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Parsley 14 propiconazole 3 (21.43 %) 0 (0.0 %) 3 (21.43 %)
tetradifon 2 (14.29 %) 0 (0.0 %) 2 (14.29 %)
buprofezin 6 (42.86 %) 6 (42.86 %) 0 (0.0 %)
penconazole 3 (21.43 %) 1 (7.14 %) 2 (14.29 %)
Bean 0 na NA NA NA
Rocca 0 na NA NA NA
Leek 2 oxadiazon 2 (100 %) 2 (100 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Peppermint 1 tetradifon
1 (100 %) 1 (100 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Dates 12 ethion 10 (83.33 %) 2 (16.67 %) 8 (66.67 %)
bifenthrin 2 (16.67 %) 2 (16.67 %) 0 (0.0 %)
Lettuce 1 resmethrin 1 (100 %) 1 (100 %) 0 (0.0 %)

In this study, the concentrations of 49 different pesticides were determined in 15 different fruit and vegetable commodities. Of those pesticides, 19 were detected in the tested samples. Buprofezin, bifenthrin, and tetradifon were found most often. The detection frequency of the pesticide residues in the analyzed samples is shown in Fig. 1. Multiple pesticide residues were most frequently observed in tomato, cucumber, green pepper, parsley, coriander, and date. A comparison between the commodities in terms of the number of residue-free samples, samples with residue < MRL, and samples with residue > MRL is shown in Fig. 2.

Frequency of the most often detected pesticides in the analyzed samples.
Fig. 1
Frequency of the most often detected pesticides in the analyzed samples.
The occurrence of multiple pesticide residues < MRL, > MRL and free residues in different food commodities.
Fig. 2
The occurrence of multiple pesticide residues < MRL, > MRL and free residues in different food commodities.


4 Conclusion

This research determined the prevalence of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable commodities in Al-Rass, Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia. Coriander and parsley had the highest levels of contamination of pesticide residues. The most common pesticides residues were detected as follows: buprofezin in tomato (34.04 %), trifloxystrobin in cucumber (36.84 %), bifenthrin in green pepper (38.89 %), tetradifon in coriander (93.33 %), buprofezin in parsley (42.86 %), and ethion in dates (83.33 %). We established a multi-residue method for the rapid and simultaneous determination of 49 pesticides in fruits and vegetables using the QuEChERS procedure and GC–MS/MS analysis. In-house method validation was developed for the routine analysis of 49 pesticide residues according to the European Union SANTE/12682/2019 guidelines (European Union, 2019). This simple and quantitative method for the detection of pesticide residues was shown to have acceptable validation test parameters, including linearity, detection limits, LOQ, accuracy, and precision. We intend to extend our survey to other pesticides and for different regions.


The authors acknowledge financial support from the Researchers Supporting Project number (RSP-2021/103), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In addition, the authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University for supporting this work by Grant Code: (22UQU4290565DSR58), maabourehab@uqu.edu.sa.


The authors are grateful to Al-Rass municipality, Saudi Arabia, in which the work was conducted. S. A. I. is grateful for Mohamed, while A. S. A. is grateful to Habiba and Hajer for their support. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Researchers Supporting Project number (RSP-2021/103), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In addition, the authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University for supporting this work by Grant Code: (22UQU4290565DSR58), maabourehab@uqu.edu.sa.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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