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Original article
10 2023

Evaluation of cytotoxic activity of Syringodium isoetifolium against human breast cancer cell line - an in silico and in vitro study

Department of Biochemistry, Jaya College of Arts and Science, Thiruninravur 602024, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Biochemistry, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai 600117, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Biochemistry, Annai Violet Arts aXnd Science College, Affiliated to University of Madras, Chennai 600 053, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Physics, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Technical and Medical Sciences (SIMATS), Chennai 602105, Thandalam, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Misan, Maysan 62001, Iraq
College of Medicine, University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, Karbala 56001, Iraq
Division of Biotechnology, Department of Applied Sciences, University of Technology, Baghdad 10066, Iraq
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Bisha, 255, Bisha 67714, Saudi Arabia
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Bisha, 255, Al Nakhil, Bisha 67714, Saudi Arabia

⁎Corresponding authors. amudhaa85@gmail.com (P. Amudha), mprabhaharan@hotmail.com (M. Prabhaharan), sasijanaki123@gmail.com (P. Sasikumar), ghassan.m.sulaiman@uotechnology.edu.iq (Ghassan M. Sulaiman),

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


Seagrass is a natural, renewable, and much unexplored marine resource, which are capable, and reliable sources in the field of pharmaceuticals and drug discovery. The seagrass, Syringodium isoetifolium is our target plant for the study, which was collected from the Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu. The current study is focused to evaluate the cytotoxic, cell cycle arrest, and apoptotic induction activities of the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium against the human breast cancer (MCF-7) cell line. The cytotoxic evaluation revealed that the extract inhibited MCF-7 proliferation with IC50 value of 230.32 μg/ml. Evaluation of MCF-7 cell cycles demonstrated that the extract arrested the cell cycle in the S phase and continued to the G2/M phase at half of the IC50 value. The extract induced apoptotic of MCF-7 cells about 30.61% which was nearly the same with aripiprazole as a positive control (52.35%). Nootkatone significantly binds to the target proteins – HSP 90 and HER2 kinase with the least binding energy was predicted as the most active anticancer compounds by a molecular docking study. In light of the findings, it can be said that the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium has the potential to be a therapeutic agent for breast malignancies by acting as an anticancer component. It can be used as an anticancer agent on its own and/or as a scaffold for analog synthesis to develop novel anticancer agents with improved therapeutic efficacy.


Syringodium isoetifolium
HSP 90 and HER2 Kinase receptor
Nootkatone and Zerumbone

1 Introduction

Cancer ranks as the second highest cause of death globally, with mortality and morbidity rates on the rise due to new cases. (Liu et al., 2016). Among women worldwide, breast cancer stands out as the most commonly occurring cancer. Current treatment options for breast cancer include radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, these therapies often come with various side effects such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss, changes in sexual function, and cognitive dysfunction. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of complementary medicine as a natural approach to cancer treatment. (Smolarz et al., 2022).

A novel drug derived from marine sources has recently been developed and holds great promise as a future pharmaceutical resource. (Rhyaf et al., 2023, Singh et al., 2018). Extensive research has validated the efficacy and safety of these drugs. The marine environment is renowned for its breathtaking coral reefs, dolphins, ornamental fishes, sharks, and other fascinating marine life, captivating the interest of people worldwide. Among the marine flora, seagrass stands out as a submerged flowering plant that originated on land and successfully adapted to an underwater existence. (Deepak et al., 2019).

In India, researchers have identified 13 distinct types of seagrass, among which Syringodiumisoetifolium, known as tube grass, exhibits larvicidal and scavenging activities. (Venkataraman et al., 2015). S. isoetifolium holds significant pharmacological potential, displaying antibacterial, antifungal, antibiotic, tumor-inhibiting, anti-hemolytic, and cytotoxic properties attributed to its phytoconstituents. (Gono et al., 2022). Notably, phyto-compounds present in S. isoetifolium exhibit diverse biological activities, such as antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anticancer, and antioxidant effects. (Pietta, P.G. 2000).

Traditionally, the concept of “one drug, one target, one disease” has prevailed, but researchers have recently recognized the potential of multi-target medications in treating certain disorders. Molecular docking serves as a computational tool used by researchers to develop multifunctional drugs. This methodology, known as Computer-Aided Drug Design, involves creating a complex between the ligand (e.g., tannin) and the target protein specific to a particular disease. (Scottiet al., 2017).

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the cytotoxicity activity of hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium on breast cancer cell MCF-7 by MTT assay and analyze the inducing apoptosis and inhibiting cell cycle of these by flow cytometry. By LC-MS analysis, the bioactive components present in the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium can be identified. To support the anticancer activity of S. isoetifolium, in silico molecular docking was employed, wherein the phytochemical compounds of the plant were docked against the HSP 90 and HER2 kinase proteins.


2 Materials and methods


2.1 Collection and authentication of Syringodium isoetifolium

Syringodium isoetifolium has been collected from Devipattinam, Ramanadhapuram District, Tamilnadu, India, on June 2019. The identification of seagrass Syringodium isoetifolium was confirmed and validated by Dr. P. Jeyaraman, Ph.D., Director of the Plant Anatomy Research Centre, Retd., Professor, Presidency College (Autonomous), Chennai-600005 and also get authenticated by the Regional Scientist, Southern Regional Centre, Botanical Survey of India, Agriculture University Campus, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641 003, India.


2.2 Preparation and extraction of Syringodium isoetifolium

One kilogram of dried, powdered seagrass was extracted with 30:70 proportion of hydro ethanol for maceration periods (24 hrs). The extraction was carried out at room temperature with 150 rpm agitation. The extracts were filtered through the Whatman filter paper after the maceration period. The extracts were concentrated by using the Rotary Evaporator and the dry weight of the crude extracts was weighed and stored at 4 °C in a dark place for further analysis.


2.3 Maintenance of cell lines

The MCF-7 (Human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines) were purchased from National Centre for Cell Sciences (NCCS), University of Pune Campus, Pune, Maharastra-411 007, India. The cells were maintained in DMEM high glucose media supplemented with 10 % FBS along with the 1% antibiotic–antimycotic solution in the atmosphere of 5% CO2, 18–20% O2 at 37 °C temperature in the CO2 incubator and subcultured every 2 days.


2.4 MTT assay

MTT assay is a colorimetric assay used for the determination of cell proliferation and cytotoxicity, based on the reduction of the yellow-colored water-soluble tetrazolium dye MTT to formazan crystals. In a 96-well plate, 200 μl of cell suspension was added without test reagent and allowed for 24 hrs. Now the test reagents were added and incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 atmosphere, without light exposure incubate for 3 h, then the MTT reagent was removed with the addition of DMSO solution (100 μl). The reading was absorbed in 570 nm and IC50 values were calculated to check the cell viability percentage (Sulaiman et al., 2016, Al-jubori et al., 2021).


2.5 Cell cycle analysis

Culture the cells in 6 well plates at a density of 2 × 105 cells/ 2 mL and incubated in a CO2 incubator overnight at 37 °C for 24 hrs. Now the spent medium is aspirated and 2 mL of cultured medium is treated with the required concentration of cells with incubation of 24 hrs. By PBS wash remove the medium from all wells and 200 μl of trypsin-EDTA solution was added, with 3–4 min incubation at 37 °C. The cells directly into 12 × 75 mm polystyrene tubes which were centrifuged for five minutes at 300g at 25 °C and the supernatant was decanted carefully with PBS wash. Finally, the pellet cells were stained with propidium iodide, incubated for 15–20 min in the dark, and analyzed by flow cytometry (Mohammed et al., 2021, Sulaiman et al., 2015).


2.6 Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis

With the above standard methods, 5 μl of FITC Annexin V were added and incubated for 15 min at RT (25 °C) in the dark, now 5 μl of PI were added and 400 μl of 1X Binding Buffer to each tube and vortex gently. Now analyzed immediately with the addition of PI by flow cytometry method. Apoptosis can be evaluated by inducing proteins like Caspase 9, Caspase 3, and Bcl-2 expression. After washing pellets with PBS, 0.5 mL BD Cytofix/Cytoperm solution was added and allowed for 10 min. Now, wash it with 0.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in 1X phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and 0.1% sodium azide. Add 20 μl of FITC Rabbit anti-active Caspase 3 antibody/PE Mouse Anti-Human Bcl2 antibody/PE Anti-Human Caspase 9 antibody and mix thoroughly, incubate for 30 min in the dark at room temperature (20 °C to 25 °C). Finally, wash with 1X PBS with 0.1% sodium azide, add 0.5 mL of PBS, mix thoroughly, and analyze by Flow Cytometry with the excitation and emission of 494 nm and 520 nm for FITC or FL-1 channel and excitation and emission of 488 nm and 578 nm for PE or FL-2 channel respectively.


2.7 Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis

All analytes were chromatographically screened using a ZORBAX Eclipse and a C18 column (2.1 × 100 mm, 5.0 μm molecule estimate; Agilent Technologies) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min and an infusion volume of 5 μl. To create the mobile phase, formic acid was combined with 10 mM ammonium formate, and 0.1% formic acid was added to methanol. (A: 80:20, B:10:90). The elution gradient started with 10% of B and progressed to 50% methanol after 0–7 min, 80% of B after 12–15 min, 100% of B after 15–18 min, 100% of B after 18–18.1 min, and 20% of B after 20–20 min. The oven was maintained at a temperature of 45 °C. The MS parameters were as follows: 325 °C for the drying gas; 11 L/min for the gas flow; 40 psi for the nebulizer; 350 °C for the sheath gas; 8 L/min for the sheath gas flow; 500 V for the delta EMV; and 4000 V for the capillary voltage.


2.8 Molecular docking studies

In silico or molecular studies are to perform the interaction between the compounds identified from the HAE of S. isoetifolium. This study is to enhance the precision of biological tests, reliability and the compounds which interact are as follows: 7-Hydroxycoumarine, 4-Hydroxycoumarine, Phloretin, Zerumbone, Arecoline, and Nootkatone. The 3D structure of the PDB ID: 3RCD; 3TUH was downloaded from the protein data bank. Following Sribalan et al.(Sribalan et al., 2019) the discovery studio is used for molecular docking and visualization. Molecular docking was done with the help of Autodock 4.2. ChemDraw 13.0 and MMFF 94 were used to optimize the 3D structure of compounds. (Maximum number of interactions: 5000, minimum RMS gradient: 0.100). The enzyme was cleared of any unnecessary ligands and water, and the default docking settings were adjusted and used.


2.9 Autodock

For the interaction of the ligand with bio macromolecular target, an automated procedure is predicted which is termed an auto dock. This method is used to analyze the three-dimensional structure of the drug binding to the receptor. For docking studies, Genetic Algorithms are used for confirmational search. Along with modeling studies, auto dock tools are employed in the preparation, execution, and analysis of docking simulations (Rauf et al., 2015).


2.10 Ligand for docking preparation

The ligands chosen for this study are 7-Hydroxycoumarine, 4-Hydroxycoumarine, Phloretin, Zerumbone, Arecoline, and Nootkatone were identified by LC-MS analysis. These compounds were planned to dock with two breast cancer proteins such as HER2 Kinase Receptor and HSP90. By using the PubChem database, the physicochemical and structural characteristics of these compounds were recovered. PubChem is an open database, used to search for wide properties which may include hydrogen bond donor, hydrogen acceptor, name of the compound, structure, molecular weight, fragments, chemical formula, and X Log P. The chemical was converted to PDB format using an online editor that uses the Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification (SMILES) format.


2.11 Protein preparation for docking

Large biological macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids are stored in the RCSB PDB (Research Collaborator for Structural Bioinformatics, Protein Data Bank), which is a repository for their 3D structural information. After researching its metabolic pathway, the target proteins from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information NCBI protein database (https://www.rcsb.org/pdb) were determined to be the HER2 Kinase Receptor with the accession number (PDB ID: 3RCD) and HSP90 with the accession number (PDB ID: 3TUH).


3 Results and discussion


3.1 Cytotoxic activity in MCF-7 cells

Hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium shows a more cytotoxic effect on MCF-7 cells. The findings from statistical analysis of the cell cytotoxicity study show that the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium demonstrated significant cytotoxic potency against MCF-7 cells with an IC50 (50% cell viability) concentration at 230.32 μg/ml in comparison to the standard drug, Aripiprazole. The percentage of cell viability was displayed in Table 1.

Table 1 Percentage cell viability of the hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium treated MCF-7 cells after the treatment period of 24 hrs.
Concentration (μg/ml) % of cell viability
0 100
25 95.96
50 91.13
100 74.47
200 53.95
400 14.84
Aripiprazole-35 mM 41.52

The cells treated with standard, control, and test compound show IC50 concentrations are high % of cells at S and G2/M stage arrest when compared with untreated cells. So, the cell cycle got arrested at S and G2/M stages. Hence, we evaluated the cell cycle study by Flow Cytometry to check the stages of cell cycle arrest and obtained the results by flow cytometry were tabulated in Table 2 and the percentage of cell cycle arrest was shown in Fig. 1.

Table 2 Percentage of MCF-7 cells that get arrested in the different stages of the cell cycle.
Percentage of MCF-7 cells
Cell Cycle stage Untreated Aripiprazole Plant Extract
Sub G0/G1 2.06 3.51 1.58
G0/G1 68.46 26.87 56.73
S 1.95 7.82 8.75
G2/M 26.33 52.55 30.61
Total Events Selected per each group −10000
Overlay showing the percentage of cells that get arrested in the different stages of the MCF-7 cell cycle.
Fig. 1
Overlay showing the percentage of cells that get arrested in the different stages of the MCF-7 cell cycle.

In the Sub G0/G1 phase (Apoptotic phase), 2.06%, 3.51%, and 1.58% of cells get arrested in untreated, standard, and hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium with IC50 concentration respectively. In G0/G1 phase (Growth Phase), 68.46%, 26.87%, and 56.73% of cells get arrested in untreated, standard, and hydroalcoholic extracts of S. isoetifolium with IC50 concentration respectively. In the S phase (synthetic phase), 1.95%, 7.82%, and 8.75% of cells get arrested in untreated, standard, and hydroalcoholic extracts of S. isoetifolium with IC50 concentration respectively. On the other hand, in the G2/M phase, 26.33%, 52.35%, and 30.61% of cells get arrested in the untreated, standard, and hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium with IC50 concentration respectively. The efficacy of the hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium on cell cycle arrest is examined and shown in Fig. 1. Hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium may also cause poly ribose polymerase cleavage caspase 3, and caspase 9 additionally. (Agarwal et al., 2006).

The loss of membrane integrity that follows the most recent stages of cell death brought on by either necrotic or apoptotic processes is preceded by FITC Annexin V staining. To enable the researcher to recognize early apoptotic cells, staining with FITC Annexin V is often employed in conjunction with a crucial dye like propidium iodide (PI) or 7-Amino-Actinomycin (7-AAD). (PI negative, FITC Annexin V positive). Without inhibiting the healthy cells hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium shows a more cytotoxic effect on cancer cells. It may also possess good anti-inflammatory and anti-malarial activity (Subramanian et al., 2015). In recent research, the authors prove the efficacy of gallic acid with the results obtained, it can induce cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase via Ch2K mediated phosphorylation in bladder carcinoma cell line (Ou et al., 2010). At an earlier stage, Annexin V/PI dye can identify apoptosis. The membrane integrity has been lost due to the stain. The study proves that Annexin V binds with the cells to inhibit the proliferation of cells and also detect apoptosis at different phases the expression of Annexin V with MCF 7 cells was shown in Fig. 2 and the meaning for quadrant was given in Table 3 (Kalpana et al., 2020). The percentage of cells that undergo apoptosis was shown in Fig. 2, which shows the live and apoptotic cell percentages.

Quadrangular figure illustrating the Annexin V/PI expression in MCF-7 cells upon culture in the presence and absence of test chemical, GA coupled with std control. Cell Quest Pro and BD FACScalibur were used for the analysis. (Version: 6.0). Here, Annexin V- FITC - Primary Marker, PI- Propidium Iodide (Secondary fluorescence Marker) A-MCF-7 Untreated, B-MCF-7 std control, C-MCF-7 hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium. Lower left: % Viable Cells; Upper left: % of Necrotic Cells; Lower right: % of Early apoptotic cells; Upper right: % Late Apoptotic Cells.
Fig. 2
Quadrangular figure illustrating the Annexin V/PI expression in MCF-7 cells upon culture in the presence and absence of test chemical, GA coupled with std control. Cell Quest Pro and BD FACScalibur were used for the analysis. (Version: 6.0). Here, Annexin V- FITC - Primary Marker, PI- Propidium Iodide (Secondary fluorescence Marker) A-MCF-7 Untreated, B-MCF-7 std control, C-MCF-7 hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium. Lower left: % Viable Cells; Upper left: % of Necrotic Cells; Lower right: % of Early apoptotic cells; Upper right: % Late Apoptotic Cells.
Table 3 Identification of bioactive compounds in hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium using LC-MS.
S.No. Compound Name Molecular Formula Molecular Weight Retention Time
1 4-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid C18H30O3S 326.19063 27.07
2 αα-trehalose C24H38O4 390.2777 23.57
3 Dibutyl phthalate C16 H0O4 278.15236 19.92
4 9-Oxo-ODE C18 H30O3 294.2202 20.757
5 Dioctyl phthalate C24 H38O4 390.2777 27.203
6 Arecoline C8 H13 NO2 155.09508 1.088
7 Reserpine C33 H40 N2O9 608.27422 14.973
8 Choline C5H13NO 103.09999 0.954
9 2-Aminoanthraquinone C14H9NO2 223.06403 17.403
10 Muramic acid C9H17NO7 251.1014 1.108
11 Betaine C5H11NO2 117.07925 1.062
12 Trigonelline C7H7NO2 137.04808 1.065
13 3-Hydroxybenzoic acid C7H6O3 138.03132 3.5
14 Caffeic acid C9H8O4 180.04263 19.923
15 Octyl decyl phthalate C26H42O4 418.30934 24.164
16 Myristyl sulfate C14H30O4S 294.18574 27.2
17 Monobutyl phthalate C12H14O4 222.08994 15.811
18 4-Hydroxycoumarin C9H6O3 162.03205 19.924
19 D-Glucosamine C6H13NO5 179.07982 1.079
20 L-Pyroglutamic acid C5H7NO3 129.043 1.167
21 3-Hydroxyfluorene C13H10O 182.07389 16.773
22 4-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid C18H30O3S 326.19063 26.216
23 DL-Stachydrine C7H13NO2 143.09513 1
24 Polygodial C15H22O2 234.16277 19.183
25 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-piperidinol C9H19NO 157.14722 16.081
26 4-Acetamidobutanoic acid C6H11NO3 145.07431 1.072
27 Diisopentyl phthalate C18H26O4 306.18407 21.109
28 1-Stearoylglycerol C21H42O4 358.30929 23.651
29 Hexadecanamide C16H33NO 255.25691 22.728
30 4-Hydroxycoumarin C9H6O3 162.03205 23.584
31 Triphenyl phosphate C18H15O4P 326.07173 19.16
32 OPEO C16H26O2 250.19382 19.903
33 Diisodecyl phthalate C28H46O4 446.34093 24.817
34 4-Oxoproline C5H7NO3 129.04233 1.166
35 4-Pyridoxic acid C8H9NO4 183.05359 24.467
36 Bis(4-ethylbenzylidene)sorbitol C24H30O6 414.20485 18.325
37 Laurolactam C12H23NO 197.17867 16.749
38 Glycerophospho-N-palmitoyl ethanolamine C21H44NO7P 453.28676 22.562
39 4-Hydroxycoumarin C9H6O3 162.03205 15.826
40 Cholest-4-en-3-one C27H44O 384.3402 25.549
41 Citroflex A-4 C20H34O8 402.22655 20.911
42 Ethyl myristate C16H32O2 256.23938 23.372
43 Stearamide C18H37NO 283.28829 23.517
44 Oleamide C18H35NO 281.27263 22.932
45 Betaine C5H11NO2 117.07925 29.507
46 Leucine C6H13NO2 131.095 1.161
47 L-Pyroglutamic acid C5H7NO3 129.043 29.086
48 β-Estradiol C18H24O2 272.1787 20.143
49 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-piperidinol C9H19NO 157.14722 16.412
50 Phloretin C15H14O5 274.08483 12.82
51 Dodecyltrimethylammonium C15H33 N 227.26196 17.415
52 Docosanamide C22H45NO 339.35127 18.114
53 Pyridoxal C8H9NO3 167.05861 24.343
54 Nootkatone C15H22O 218.1678 20.148
55 N,N'-Diphenylurea C13H12N2O 212.09581 14.854
56 Dimethyl sebacate C12H22O4 230.15251 14.892
57 Myristyl sulfate C14H30O4S 294.18574 28.249
58 O-Desmethyltramadol C15H23NO2 249.17352 20.619
59 Dibutyl phthalate C16H22O4 278.15236 27.648
60 4-Methoxycinnamic acid C10H10O3 178.06362 21.868
61 Astaxanthin C40H52O4 596.38738 23.313
62 4-Hydroxycoumarin C9H6O3 162.03205 21.112
63 Palmitoleic acid C16H30O2 254.22539 21.992
64 19-Nortestosterone C18H26O2 274.19426 19.639
65 Monobutyl phthalate C12H14O4 222.08994 20.463
66 Zeatin-7-N-glucoside C16H23N5O6 381.16451 1.018
67 Oleoyl ethanolamide C20H39NO2 325.299 22.847
68 Sucrose C12H22O11 342.11525 0.985
69 5α-Dihydrotestosterone C19H30O2 290.22508 21.26
70 6-Hydroxynicotinic acid C6H5NO3 139.02661 9.246
71 Meprednisone C22H28O5 372.19509 16.336
72 (±)-Abscisic acid C15H20O4 264.13713 13.707
73 Dihydrothymine C5H8N2O2 128.05896 1.082
74 (+/-)-CP 47,497-C7-Hydroxy metabolite C21H34O3 334.2517 23.931
75 D-(+)-Pyroglutamic Acid C5H7NO3 129.043 28.773

Apoptotic investigation revealed that the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium, effectively triggered programmed cell death, or apoptosis, in human breast cancer cells. This observation suggests that the hydroalcoholic extract may possess therapeutic potential against human breast cancer. To confirm the mechanism behind the anti-cancer effects of the test compound on human breast cancer cells, further preclinical research is needed. The study found that the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium induces apoptosis in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) through the activation of specific signaling pathways, namely caspase 3, caspase 9, and Bcl2 apoptotic signaling pathway. These pathways play a critical role in promoting programmed cell death, which is essential to prevent the development and progression of cancer cells. By measuring the amount of activated caspase(s), one can detect whether or not apoptosis is occurring. It is necessary to choose in advance the caspase(s) to be assayed. Among the various caspase(s), caspase 3 and 9 both initiate the cascade of apoptosis events. Caspase 9 is usually activated by cytotoxic agents that damage mitochondria, allowing cytochrome c leakage into the cytosol. Caspase 3 is a common downstream effector caspase associated with some forms of β-cell apoptosis (Yamada et al., 1999). It is worth noting that a previous study demonstrated that vinculin, another compound or factor under investigation, similarly induces apoptosis through the intrinsic caspase 9 pathway. By elucidating the underlying mechanisms by which these compounds induce apoptosis, we can gain a deeper understanding of their potential as anti-cancer agents in the context of human breast cancer (Lee et al., 2020).

A recent study proves that Bcl2 function in the antioxidant pathway and can inhibit lipid peroxidation. Bcl2 can be identified at the chromosomal translocation breakpoint and was mainly studied in lymphoma as well as in leukemia (Haldar et al., 1994). Fig. 3,4, and 5 show the activation of the apoptotic pathway via Bcl-2, caspase 3, and caspase 9 in the MCF-7 cells. On treating crude extract with MCF- 7 cells, Bcl2 may interfere with cytochrome c while the same cytochrome can be induced by the expression of Bax. Bcl2 which is an anti-apoptotic protein can induce the apoptotic expression in MCF- 7 breast cancer cells via an intrinsic apoptosis pathway (Rosse et al., 1998, Ekins et al., 2007).(See Figs. 4 and 5).

Hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium induces apoptosis via Bcl-2 activation in MCF-7 cells.
Fig. 3
Hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium induces apoptosis via Bcl-2 activation in MCF-7 cells.
Hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium induces apoptosis via Caspase-3 activation in MCF-7 cells.
Fig. 4
Hydroalcoholic extract of S.isoetifolium induces apoptosis via Caspase-3 activation in MCF-7 cells.
Hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium induces apoptosis via Caspase 9 activation in MCF-7 cells.
Fig. 5
Hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium induces apoptosis via Caspase 9 activation in MCF-7 cells.


3.2 Liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy analysis

About seventy-five chemical components were recognized in HAE of S. isoetifolium, along with their retention time, molecular weight, and molecular formula were listed in Table 3 and the chromatogram was represented in Fig. 6. The biological activity of selected compounds was presented in Table 4. The prevalent compounds were 4-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid showing a retention time of 27.07 min. The mass spectrum of Arecoline shows the peak at RT 1.088 with the ESI- MS spectrum at m/z 155 revealing the occurrence of this compound. Nootkatone showed the peak at a retention time of 20.148 and ESI-MS spectrum showed at m/z 19.924 indicating the presence of compound 4-Hydroxycoumarin. Similarly, the mass spectrum of 3-Hydroxybenzoic acid shows RT at 3.5. While the compound Reserpine shows the band at 14.973 and at 22.932 the compound present is Oleamide. Dibutyl phthalate showed the highest retention time peak at 27.648; the substance Choline showed the lowest retention time peak at 0.954. Compounds such as 9-oxo-ODE, Dioctyl phthalate, Myristyl sulfate, Diisodecyl phthalate, and Betaine show the highest value of RT at 20.757, 27.203, 27.2, 24.817, and 29.507, while lowest RT 1.018, 1.161, 1.166, 1.072 and 1 shows with the compounds Zeatin-7-N-glucoside, Leucine, 4-oxo proline, 4-Acetamidobutanoic acid, respectively.

LC-MS Chromatogram of the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium.
Fig. 6
LC-MS Chromatogram of the hydroalcoholic extract of S. isoetifolium.
Table 4 Pharmacological activities of the identified compounds from HAE of S. isoetifolium by LC-MS analysis.
S. No. R. T Name of the Compounds Pharmacological activities
1 23.57 αα-trehalose Antitumor effects, suppression of bone loss, and migration of insulin resistance (Kapetanovic, 2008)
2 16.336 Meprednisone Anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective agent, antiemetic, and androgenic agent (Shaker et al., 2021)
3 9.246 6-Hydroxynicotinic acid Antitumor effects, anticancer activity
4 24.794 Cholecalciferol suppress NF-kB activities, slowing down cancer growth
5 21.992 Palmitoleic acid Antioxidant activity (Wada et al., 2014)
6 22.728 Hexadecanamide Down-regulation of mast cell activation and inflammation
7 0.985 Sucrose Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity
8 23.313 Astaxanthin Anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-apoptotic activity
9 27.648 Dibutyl phthalate Antifungal activity
10 19.923 Caffeic acid Anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective effect
11 1.079 D-Glucosamine Mineralization of mature osteoblasts, reduction in expression of receptor activator- NF- kb
12 12.82 Phloretin Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidative (Brodkiewicz et al., 2020)


3.3 Molecular docking studies

7-Hydroxy coumarin, 4-Hydroxy coumarin, Phloretin, Zerumbone, Nootkatone, and Arecoline are the ligands used for in silico study (Gao et al., 2021) from the LC-MS analysis against breast cancer target proteins HER2 Kinase and HSP90 respectively. Fig. 7(A and B) shows the three-dimensional structure of HER2 Kinase and HSP90 respectively. Monitoring characteristic features including docking score, binding energy, Van der Waals interactions, hydrophobic interactions, and unusual charge interactions can help to determine how well a ligand will bind to a receptor. The bigger the binding energy's negative value, the stronger the molecule's affinity for the receptor (Shamsee et al., 2019).

(A) 3D Structure of HER2 kinase (B) 3D Structure of HSP90.
Fig. 7
(A) 3D Structure of HER2 kinase (B) 3D Structure of HSP90.

The Protein Data Bank was used to obtain the receptor structures for molecular docking. In addition to the prioritized list of docked ligands and their binding poses, the docking positions were sorted based on their docking scores (Shaliza et al., 2007). Their binding energy was used to rank them. The outcomes for both breast cancer proteins are shown in Tables 5 and 6 and were determined by docking energy of 7-Hydroxycoumarine, 4-Hydroxycoumarine, Nootkatone, Arecoline, Zerumbone, and Phloretin Interactions with HER2 Kinase and HSP90.

Table 5 Docking results of HAE of S. isoetifolium-derived compounds against HER2 kinase receptor.
Compound Name Binding Energy (Kcal/mol) Inhibition constant (μM) Hydrogen bond Interactions Distance Binding residues (Around 5 Å) Binding region of Ligand
4-Hydroxycoumarine −5.79 56.64 Thr862(O)…H-OSer783
Leu796, Met774, Leu785, Thr798, Arg784, Asp863, Phe864, Ser783, Thr863 chromen-2-one4-hydroxy
7- Hydroxycoumarine −5.32 125.07 Thr862(O)…HOSer783(O)
Leu796, Met774, Leu785, Thr798, Arg784, Ser783, Asp863, Ser783, Phe864, Lys753, Thr863 chromen-2-one7-hydroxy
Arecoline −4.41 590.04 Thr862(O)H…NLys753(N)-H…O 3.03.1 Leu796, Leu785, Val797, Thr798, Arg784, Ser783, Asp863, Ser783, Thr862, Phe864, Lys753, Thr863 pyridinecarboxylate
Nootkatone −7.72 2.2 Leu796, Met774, Leu785, Val797, Thr798, Arg784, Ser783, ASP863, Ser783, Thr862, Phe864, Lys753, The863 prop-1-en-2-ylhexahydronaphthalen-2-one
Phloretin −6.1 33.58 Thr862(O)…H-OSer783(O)
Leu785, Arg784, Ser783, ASP863, Ser783, Phe864, Met774, Lys753, Thr798, Leu796, Thr862 4-hydroxyphenyl2,4,6-trihydroxyphenyl
Zerumbone −7.7 2.27 Leu796, Met774, Leu785, Val797, Thr798, Arg784, Ser783, Asp863, Ser783, Thr862, Phe864, Lys753, Thr863 tetramethylcycloundeca-2,6,10-trien-1-one
Table 6 Docking results of HAE of S. isoetifolium-derived compounds against HSP90 protein.
Compound Name Binding Energy (Kcal/mol) Inhibition constant (μM) Hydrogen bond Interactions Distance Binding residues (Around 5 Å) Binding region of Ligand
4-Hydroxycoumarine −5.9 47.56 Thr109(O)-H…OGly135(O)…H-O 2.62.1 Asn106, Ile26, Thr109, Ile110, Ala111,Thr115, Lys112, Ser113, Phe134, Gly136, Asn51, Phe138, Tyr139, Leu107 chromen-2-one4-hydroxy
7- Hydroxycoumarine −5.69 67.52 Asn51(O)-H…OPhe138(N)…H-O 3.02.8 Asn106, Ile26, Thr109, Ile110, Ala111, Thr115, Lys112, Ser113, Phe134, Gly136, Asn51, Phe138, Tyr139, Leu107 chromen-2-one7-hydroxy
Arecoline −5.26 139.49 Phe138(N)…H-OAsn106(O)-H…N 3.43.0 Asn106, Ile26, Thr109, Ile110, Ala111, Thr115, Lys112, Ser113, Phe134, Gly136, Asn51, Phe138, Tyr139, Leu107 pyridinecarboxylate
Nootkatone −7.5 3.19 Asn106, Ile26, Asn51, Asp54, Thr109, Ile110, Ala111, Thr115, Lys112, Ser113, Phe134, Gly136, Asn51, Phe138, Tyr139, Leu107 prop-1-en-2-ylhexahydronaphthalen-2-one
Phloretin −6.18 29.43 Ser52(O)…H-OAsn51
Asn106, Ile26, Thr109, Ser113, Val136, Lys112, Ser113, Phe134, Gly135, Asn51, Ser52, Val186, Asp93, Phe138, Tyr139 Leu107 4-hydroxyphenyl2,4,6-trihydroxyphenyl
Zerumbone −7.45 3.38 Asn106, Ile26, Thr109, Ser113, Val136, Lys112, Ser113, Phe134, Gly135, Asn51, Asp93, Phe138, Tyr139, Leu107, Met98 tetramethylcycloundeca-2,6,10-trien-1-one


3.4 Interaction of ligands with HER2 Kinase

The binding affinity of 4-hydroxy coumarin, 7-hydroxy coumarin, arecoline, nootkatone, phloretin, and zerumbone was identified through docking investigations, which supported the target protein HER2 Kinase receptor's restraint. The outcomes of the docked compound with HER2 kinase receptor were shown in Table 5 and Fig. 8. The docking score of 4-Hydroxycoumarine, 7-Hydroxycoumarine, Arecoline, Nookatone, Phloretin, Zerumbone was found to be −5.79, −5.32, −4.41, −7.72, −6.1, −7.7 Kcal/mol respectively. The order of binding energy was Nootkatone > Zerumbone > Phloretin > 4-Hydroxycoumarine > 7-Hydroxycoumarine > Arecoline. Among all the other compounds, Nootkatone was found to have more affinity. Nootkatone compounds possess both anticancer and antiplatelet effects which might be of therapeutic benefit for the prevention of platelet-associated cardiovascular diseases (Yoo et al., 2020). It is the most abundant component and possesses a wide range of beneficial effects mainly anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activities. It possesses anticancer activity especially in lung cancer via AMPK pathway and shows more activity against colorectal cancer (Zhu et al., 2020). Along with the ROS production nootkatone induce the cell cycle arrest at S-phase, it may also inhibit the retinoblastoma by inhibiting the Nf-kB signaling pathway and cell migration.

Interaction of 7-Hydroxycoumarine (A),4- Hydroxycoumarine (B), Nootkatone (C), Arecoline (D), Zerumbone (E), and Phloretin(F) with HER2 Kinase.
Fig. 8
Interaction of 7-Hydroxycoumarine (A),4- Hydroxycoumarine (B), Nootkatone (C), Arecoline (D), Zerumbone (E), and Phloretin(F) with HER2 Kinase.


3.5 Interaction of ligands with HSP90

The docking score of Nootkatone, Zerumbone, 7-Hydroxycoumarine, 4-Hydroxycoumarine, phloretin, and arecoline against HSP90 protein was found to be −7.5, −7.45, −6.18, −5.9, −5.69, and 5.26 respectively. The order of binding energy was Nootkatone > Zerumbone > Phloretin > 4-Hydroxycoumarine > 7-Hydroxycoumarine > Arecoline. Heat Shock Proteins (HSP90) possess anti-parasitic and anticancer activity. The outcomes of the docked compound with HER2 kinase receptor were shown in Table 6 and Fig. 9 which shows the interaction of 4-Hydroxycoumarine, 7-hydroxycoumarine, arecoline, nookatone, phloretin, zerumbone. The inhibition of protein expression related to metastatic cancer and the induction of autophagy is attributed to the effects of nootkatone (Zho et al., 2020). Therefore, gaining a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of nootkatone in anti-tumor activity could enhance our comprehension of metastatic cancer treatment and potentially improve therapeutic approaches. The docking studies confirmed the suppressive activity through suppression of target protein HER2 Kinase and HSP90. Among the various compounds, Nootkatone has more potential binding interactions than other compounds.

Interaction of 4-Hydroxycoumarine (A), 7-Hydroxycoumarine (B), Arecoline (C), Nookatone (D), Phloretin (E), and Zerumbone (F) with HSP90.
Fig. 9
Interaction of 4-Hydroxycoumarine (A), 7-Hydroxycoumarine (B), Arecoline (C), Nookatone (D), Phloretin (E), and Zerumbone (F) with HSP90.


4 Conclusions

The hydroalcoholic extract of S. ifolium was found to be strong anticancer potential against human breast cancer cells. It exhibits prominent cell cycle phase arrest similar to the standard control, aripiprazole on MCF-7 cells. It may induce apoptosis via the activation of caspase 3, caspase 9, and Bcl-2 pathway. The in silico docking studies demonstrate the binding activity of the compound present in the HAE of S. isoetifolium to the breast cancer receptor proteins such as HER2 Kinase and HSP90, respectively. It supports the use of S. isoetifolium for the possible treatment of breast cancer. Further in vivo research, the success of this additional set of investigations will help to clarify how it is possible to mix the most potent extracts with the existing medication without running into problems with drug resistance and negative side effects. This study is the first scientific report that provides convincing anticancer and rich antioxidant sources as evidence for the relevance of S. isoetifolium thus providing scientific validity to its medicinal uses such as an anticancer agent.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

P. Kalaivani: Conceptualization, Methodology. P. Amudha: Conceptualization, Methodology. A. Chandramohan: . R. Vidya: Conceptualization, Methodology. M. Prabhaharan: Supervision, Conceptualization, Methodology. P. Sasikumar: Project administration, Supervision, Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis. Salim Albukhaty: Writing – review & editing, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation. Ghassan M. Sulaiman: Project administration, Writing – review & editing, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation. Mosleh M. Abomughaid: Writing – review & editing, Investigation, Data curation, Validation. Mohammed Abu-Alghayth: Visualization, Validation, Investigation, Data curation.


The authors are thankful to the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Bisha for supporting this work through the Fast-Track Research Support Program.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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