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Original article
12 2022

Anti-corrosion and anti-microbial evaluation of novel water-soluble bis azo pyrazole derivative for carbon steel pipelines in petroleum industries by experimental and theoretical studies

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, New Valley University, El-Kharga 72511, Egypt
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, ET-35516 Mansoura, Egypt
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, 11727, Cairo, Egypt

⁎Corresponding author. emad_992002@yahoo.com (Emad E. El-Katori) emad_elkatori@sci.nvu.edu.eg (Emad E. El-Katori)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


In this research, we investigated the synthesis of a novel water-soluble bis azo pyrazolin-5-one (ABP) which was synthesized efficiently via the regioselective reaction of hydrazine with coumarin hydrazone (CMH). Also, we evaluate their anti-corrosion and anti-bacterial behavior. The inhibition efficiency of ABP in an acidic medium (1.0 M HCl) was evaluated using various electrochemical and surface morphology measurements. The novel bis pyrazole-based azo dye ABP (16 × 10−6 M) demonstrated a higher protection capacity (93.3 %). Tafel curves revealed that ABP was a mixed-type inhibitor. The adsorption of ABP on the C-steel (CS) surface is proven by the alteration in (Rct and Cdl) impedance characteristics and obeyed the Langmuir isotherm model. SEM/EDX, AFM, and XPS surface examinations confirmed the enhancement of an adsorbed film protects the CS surface from acid corrosion at the appropriate dose. Furthermore, theoretical calculations using DFT and MC simulations were performed to identify the active sites on ABP molecules in charge of the adsorption and surface protection of the CS. The adsorption of bis pyrazole-based azo dye on the metal surface explained the protection mechanism. Moreover, the ABP screened for its antimicrobial activity against sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), and the calculated inhibition efficiency was 100 %. The current work presents significant results in manufacturing and producing novel water-soluble bis pyrazole-based azo dye derivative with high anti-corrosion and anti-microbial efficiency.


Bis pyrazole
Carbon steel
Acid corrosion
Surface morphology
Theoretical studies





Nuclear magnetic resonance


Atomic force microscopy


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


Scanning electron microscopy/ Electron dispersive X-ray


Open circuit potential


Potentiodynamic polarization


Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy


The corrosion potential


Corrosion current density


Charge transfer resistance


Double layer capacitance


Density functional theory


Monte Carlo


Highest occupied molecular orbital


Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital


1 Introduction

Azo dyes possess a broad spectrum of unique biological applications (Banaszak-Leonard et al., 2021; Metwally et al., 2012), good dyeing (Abdou et al., 2012; Abdou et al., 2013; Metwally et al., 2012) and sensing properties (El-Mahalawy et al., 2022; El-Mahalawy et al., 2021). Among these compounds, pyrazoles are the crucial components of many synthetic dyes (Metwally et al., 2013; Abdou et al., 2013). Recently, considerable studies have been devoted to azo pyrazoles as scaffolds for corrosion inhibitors (Ferkous et al., 2020). It has been noted that several organic compounds having polar functionalities involving nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur atoms in a conjugated system have strong inhibitory characteristics. To prevent the dissolving of carbon steel in acidic environments, aliphatic and aromatic amines, as well as nitrogen heterocyclic compounds, were explored as corrosion inhibitors. In general, it has been thought that the adsorption of the inhibitors onto the metal surface is the initial step in the action mechanism of the inhibitors in hostile acid conditions (Belakhdar et al., 2020). The nature and surface charge of the metal, the chemical structure of organic inhibitors, the distribution of charge in the molecule, the type of aggressive electrolyte, and the type of interaction between organic molecules are the primary types of interaction between organic inhibitors and the metal surface (El-Katori et al., 2019). Metallic corrosion is a basic phenomenon that has a significant impact on economics and protectively. CS is a type of iron alloy commonly utilized in the petrochemical and metallurgical sectors (Zerroug et al., 2021). It is also used as a building material due to its excellent mechanical properties and low cost (Boulechfar et al., 2021). However, it is quickly corroded in various environments (El-Katori et al., 2019; El-Katori and Hashem, 2022). Acid solutions are frequently utilized in industry in various applications (Suárez-Vega et al., 2021). Inhibitors are widely employed to minimize the metallic corrosion in acid media (Thomas, 1980). Organic molecules with N, O, S, and π-bonds, or aromatic rings, constitute the bulk of popular acid inhibitors (Zheng et al., 2022; Subramanyam et al., 1993). Generally, organic chemicals are efficient aqueous corrosion inhibitors for many metals and alloys (Babu et al., 2005; Fouda et al., 2005; Yurchenko et al., 2006). Chemical inhibitors are used in a variety of ways to reduce the corrosion rate of CS (El-Katori et al., 2019; El-Katori, 2020). Organic heterocyclic compounds have been utilized to shield iron or copper against corrosion (Mohammad et al., 2021; Abdou et al., 2022). As known SRB is one of the most bacterial-influenced corrosion (El-Saeed et al., 2022; Abbas et al., 2021; Abdou, 2013). There are several reports in the literature showing the performance of corrosion inhibitor against SRB (vide Table 1) (Eid et al., 2020; Abousalem et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019).

Table 1 Comparison between bi-functionalized corrosion inhibitors with SRB bioassay in literature and this work.
Inhibitor Corrosion inhibition % SRB inhibition % Ref
TOS3 87.6 % 80 % 29
MA-1156 86.4 % 80 % 30
SPT 79.0 % 100 % 31
ABP 93.3 % 100 % This work

With this object in view, and connected with our program focus coumarins and their isosteric compounds (Abdou, 2018; Abdou et al., 2019; Abdou et al., 2016; Abdou et al., 2019). In one of our projects, 4-hydroxycoumarin was employed to construct azo pyrazoles as promising corrosion inhibitors (Wang et al., 2019). The main target of this research is to prepare novel water-soluble bis azo pyrazolin-5-one (ABP) to assess its inhibition efficiency on CS in 1.0 M HCl via some electrochemical measurements such as PDP, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and surface characterization via SEM/EDX, AFM, and XPS analysis. Furthermore, DFT and MC simulations were studied to explore the potential inhibitory mechanisms of ABP on CS corrosion.


2 Experimental work


2.1 Materials and solutions

The CS specimens have composition by weight: C (0.17–0.20), Si (0.003), Mn (0.35), P (0.025), and Fe is the rest. CS's working electrode was glossed via SiC emery papers with grades (400–1200) before being submerged in the corrosive solution. The applicable solution was 1.0 M HCl, which was made by diluting 36 % HCl (supplied from El-Gomhoria Co., Egypt) with deionized water and standardized with Na2CO3. All solutions were made with analytical-grade chemicals and deionized water without any extra purification. The inhibitor concentrations (Cinh) varied from 1 × 10-6 M to 16 × 10-6 M.

3,3‘-([1,1′-Biphenyl]-4,4‘-diylbis(hydrazin-2-yl-1-ylidene))bis(chromane-2,4-dione) (CMH) was prepared according to our previous method (Thomas, 1980). Agilent Cary 660 FTIR spectrometer was used to record infrared spectra (IR). On a Bruker Avance III 500, 1H NMR (500 MHz) spectra were recorded. A Finnigan Incos 500 was used for Mass spectra.


2.2 Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of inhibitor (ABP)


2.2.1 Synthesis of 4,4 -([1,1′-biphenyl]-4,4 -diylbis(hydrazin-2-yl-1-ylidene))bis(5-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2,4-dihydro-3H-pyrazol-3-one) (ABP)

A mixture of CMH (5.3 g, 0.01 mol) and N₂H₄ (1.6 mL, 0.03 mol) in 100 mL (EtOH/AcOH, 1:1) was refluxed for 8 h then the solvent was concentrated under vacuum. The solid left was crystallized from EtOH /DMF mixture to give the ABP as red crystals, Yield = 5 g (89 %). IR (KBr) ν max/cm−1: 3749.10)OH(, 3405.82)NH(, 3317.10 (NH), 1666.27 (C⚌O), 1660.20 (C⚌N), 1224.63 (C—N).1H NMR (500 MHz) δ 13.89 (s, 2H, NH-Ph), 12.30 (s, 2H, NHCO), 10.57 (s, 2H, PhOH), 8.17 (d, J = 7.4 Hz, 2H, ArH), 7.82 (d, J = 8.7 Hz, 4H, ArH), 7.68 (d, J = 8.8 Hz, 4H, ArH), 7.30 (d, J = 17.6 Hz, 2H, ArH), 6.98 (d, J = 41.0 Hz, 4H, ArH); MS m/z (%): 558.05 (M+, 23), 468.09 (1 0 0).


2.3 Electrochemical measurements (EM)

At 25 °C, EM was measured using a three-electrode cell association, with a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) serving as the reference electrode, a counter electrode made of Pt wire, and a working electrode made of CS. The CS working electrode was coated with epoxy resin to expose only a geometrical surface area of 1 cm2 to the practical solution. A Versa STAT 4 potentiostat/galvanostat combined with a frequency response analyzer (FRA) and connected to a laptop “All in one” was employed to evaluate the anticorrosive effectiveness of the newly bis pyrazole-based azo dye ABP. For potentiodynamic polarization measurements, the potential was started from –1.2 to + 0.2 V vs open circuit potential (EOCP) at a sweep rate 1 mV s−1. Under open-circuit conditions, AC impedance measurements were made in the frequency range of 0.2 Hz to 105 Hz with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 10 mV.


2.4 Surface examinations (SEM/EDX, AFM, and XPS)

In both the absence and presence of the inhibitor ABP, the CS coupons were submerged in 1.0 M HCl for 14 h at 25 °C. The CS surface morphology was investigated via (SEM, JOEL, JSM-T20, Japan), and the elemental composition of CS surface was detected using energy dispersive Type: Philips X-ray diffractometer (pw-1390) equipped with Cu-tube (Cu Ka1, l = 1.54051 Å. Also, the corroded CS was inspected by model Wet–SPM (Scanning probe microscopy) Shimadzu, Japan at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University and was applied for the atomic force microscopy (AFM) tests. Moreover, the protective film presented at the CS/solution interface for inhibited and uninhibited solutions was inspected through high-resolution XPS analysis for CS specimens in the applicable solution without and with 16 × 10-6 M of ABP for 14 h at 25 °C.


2.5 Theoretical studies

The density functional theory (DFT) approach was performed to implement the DFT computations using the Standard Gaussian 09 software package (revision A02). The novel bis pyrazole-based azo dye ABP structure was optimized in the aqueous phase via B3LYP/6-311G* basis set (Nady et al., 2021). The ionization potential (I), global hardness (η), electronegativity (χ), global softness (σ), as well as the dipole moment (μ) were all computed (Abd El-Lateef et al., 2019). The likely adsorption arrangements of the structure of ABP on the Fe (1 1 0) interface were identified for the MC simulations via the adsorption locator module in Accelrys Inc.'s Materials Studio program V7.0 (Dehghani et al., 2020). The interactions of the optimized ABP molecules and water molecules with the Fe (1 1 0) surface were examined in a simulation box with the dimensions (32.27 Å × 32.27 Å × 50.18 Å) (Abd El-Lateef et al., 2020). Our earlier investigations covered the details of computational studies (Migahed et al., 2004).


2.6 Microbial-induced corrosion (MIC)

The bottom level of produced oil tanks can be considered a major MIC source since it provides good anaerobic conditions for bacteria such as sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) to grow. MIC attacks caused by SRB in such vulnerable locations can lead to catastrophic consequences (Li et al., 2022). Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI) provided specific growth media kits. Such media were formulated and enclosed in isolated vials to simulate the anaerobic conditions outlined in NACE TM0194-14-SG. The standard sampling procedure and data collection were executed following NACE TM0194/14 and our previous study (Bennet, 2017).


3 Results and discussion


3.1 Synthesis of the studied corrosion inhibitor (ABP)

The synthetic strategy adopted for constructing ABP is outlined in Scheme 1. The versatile precursor CMH was synthesized according to our previous method by coupling bis(diazonium) salt of benzidine (2) with 4-hydroxycoumarin (1) (Abdou et al., 2012). The condensation of the latter precursor with hydrazine furnished the corresponding pyrazoline ABP. The structure of the latter ABP was elucidated based on spectroscopic data (vide experimental section), as confirmed in Figs. 1-3.

Preparation of the studied compound ABP.
Scheme 1
Preparation of the studied compound ABP.
FT-IR spectrum of ABP.
Fig. 1
FT-IR spectrum of ABP.
1H NMR spectrum of ABP in DMSO‑d6.
Fig. 2
1H NMR spectrum of ABP in DMSO‑d6.
Mass spectrum of ABP.
Fig. 3
Mass spectrum of ABP.


3.2 Electrochemical measurements


3.2.1 Potentiodynamic polarization (PDP)

The Tafel curves for CS in 1.0 M HCl solution with and without various amounts of ABP are shown in Fig. 4 at 25 °C. Tafel–type behavior may be seen in the polarization curves. Table 2 shows the electrochemical data acquired from the inhibitor's polarization curves. According to the data, increasing the Cinh lowers the corrosion current density (icorr), yet the Tafel slopes (βa‚ βc) are nearly constant, indicating that the two reactions (anodic metal dissolution and cathodic hydrogen reduction) were influenced without changing the dissolution mechanism. With increasing inhibitor concentrations, the findings for βa and βc marginally altered, indicating that this molecule had an impact on the kinetics of CS dissolution and hydrogen evolution. They may operate as adsorption inhibitors because some active sites, such as hetero-atoms, depend on functional groups in the ABP to produce adsorption. The ABP inhibitor, which was absorbed on the CS, managed the cathodic and anodic reactions during the corrosion process. The ABP's structure and functional groups are crucial to the adsorption process. On the other hand, when neutral organic substances adsorb on the CS surface, an electron transfer occurs. The corrosion potential (Ecorr.) and the current density (icor) are found by the Tafel areas junction of cathodic and anodic curves, and the %IE is determined by the following equation (1) (Benabdellah et al., 2007):

% I E = [ 1 - ( I c o r r ( I n h ) / I c o r r ( f r e e ) ) ] x 100
Potentiodynamic polarization curves for C-steel dissolution in 1.0 M HCl in the absence and presence of various concentrations of ABP at 25 °C.
Fig. 4
Potentiodynamic polarization curves for C-steel dissolution in 1.0 M HCl in the absence and presence of various concentrations of ABP at 25 °C.
Table 2 Effect of concentrations of ABP on the free corrosion potential (Ecorr.), corrosion current density (icorr.), Tafel slopes (βa& βc), degree of surface coverage (θ) and inhibition efficiency (%IE) for C-steel in 1.0 M HCl at 25 °C.
Compound Conc., M -Ecorr., mV(vs SCE) icorr μA cm−2 βa mV dec-1 βc mV dec-1 θ % IE
Blank (1 M HCl) 0.0 431 671.0 108 151 ---- ----
ABP 1 × 10-6 485 259.2 111 188 0.614 61.4
4 × 10-6 478 182.4 128 184 0.728 72.8
7 × 10-6 422 99.6 78 149 0.852 85.2
10 × 10-6 411 69.8 67 152 0.896 89.6
13 × 10-6 461 51.4 81 154 0.923 92.3
16 × 10-6 418 38.7 75 161 0.942 94.2

Where Icorr (free) and Icorr (Inh) are the corrosion current densities in the absence and presence of ABP, respectively. As reported in Table 2, increasing inhibitor concentrations significantly impact the icorr. and, as a result, CS acid protection in 1.0 M HCl. The investigated inhibitor, ABP, affects both anodic and cathodic overpotential as a mixed-type inhibitor. Cathodic hydrogen reduction processes and anodic metal dissolution were slowed when compared to 1.0 M HCl ((blank), and both Tafel slopes were shifted to higher positive and negative potentials (Saha et al., 2015).


3.2.2 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

The electrode's covering layer can be characterized by EIS using a unique method that results in charge transfer resistance (Rct) (Quan et al., 2001; Paskossy, 1994; Lebrini et al., 2005). The film quality can also be calculated using the interface capacitance (Khaled, 2003). The coverage of organic compounds on the metal surface is determined not only by the nature of the metal and the structure of the organic compound but also by experimental parameters such as adsorbent concentrations and immersion time (Babic-Samardzija et al., 2005; McCafferty et al., 1991). The graphs in Fig. 5 demonstrate a similar type of Nyquist curves for CS in 1.0 M HCl with varying ABP concentrations at 25 °C. Because of the disintegration of the metal surface, which is unaffected by the ABP inhibitor, the existence of a semi-circle single leads to a single charge transfer process. All the impedance spectroscopy characteristics were measured at the corresponding open-circuit potentials. The Nyquist curves of ABP from separate semi-circles are perfect, as predicted by the EIS, owing to frequency disappearance. As shown in Fig. 6, the gained data revealed that each impedance curve consisted of a big capacitive loop with one capacitive time constant in the Bode–phase. Also, with increasing ABP concentrations, the diameter of the capacitive loop grows, indicating the degree of corrosion inhibition (Bessone et al., 1983). The acquired EIS data were fitted using the parallel electrical circuit model illustrated in Fig. 7. The charge-transfer resistance of the corrosion interfacial reaction (Rp) or (Rct), the double-layer capacitance (Cdl), and the solution resistance (Rs) are all included in this model. An outstanding match to this fit was produced by our experimental result. EIS parameters are shown in Table 3. The %IE was gained from the following equation (2) (Epelboin et al., 1972):

% I E = θ x 100 = [ 1 - ( R ° c t / R c t ) ] × 100
Nyquist fitted curves recorded for C-steel in 1.0 M HCl with and without various concentrations of ABP at 25 °C (inset. Blank).
Fig. 5
Nyquist fitted curves recorded for C-steel in 1.0 M HCl with and without various concentrations of ABP at 25 °C (inset. Blank).
Bode curves recorded for C-steel in 1.0 M HCl with and without various concentrations of ABP at 25 °C.
Fig. 6
Bode curves recorded for C-steel in 1.0 M HCl with and without various concentrations of ABP at 25 °C.
Parallel electrical circuit model utilized to fit EIS results.
Fig. 7
Parallel electrical circuit model utilized to fit EIS results.
Table 3 EIS parameters for the corrosion of C-steel in 1.0 M HCl in the absence and presence of different concentrations of ABP at 25 °C.
Compound Conc., M Rct, Ω cm2 Cdl x10-6, µFcm−2 θ % IE
Blank (1 M HCl) 0.0 56.7 188.6 --- ---
ABP 1 × 10-6 512.4 179.8 0.889 88.9
4 × 10-6 525.2 161.4 0.892 89.2
7 × 10-6 551.8 152.7 0.897 89.7
10 × 10-6 631.4 141.9 0.910 91.0
13 × 10-6 675.2 133.4 0.916 91.6
16 × 10-6 733.4 132.8 0.923 92.3

Where Rct and Roct are the charge-transfer resistance with and without inhibitor, respectively.

The results reveal that the Rct data rises and the Cdl data reduce when the inhibitor ABP concentrations are improved. This is due to ABP molecules adsorbing on the CS surface gradually replacing water molecules, limiting the amount of dissolution. Furthermore, a slower corroding mechanism is frequently associated with high Rct values (Bosch et al., 2001). The decreased Cdl might be due to a reduction in the local dielectric constant and/or a rise e in the thickness of the electrical double layer (Bentiss et al., 2007), implying that the ABP molecules are adsorbed at the metal/solution interface. The %IE produced using EIS is like that calculated using PDP measurements.


3.3 Adsorption isotherm

Deriving the adsorption isotherm that describes the metal/inhibitor/environment system is one of the best methods for quantitatively explaining adsorption (Szklarska-Smiaiowska, 1991). The surface coverage degree (θ) was valued at several ABP concentrations in 1.0 M HCl. The surface coverage degree (θ) was extracted from the investigated electrochemical measurements. After fitting surface coverage (θ) values in different adsorption isotherm models, the correlation coefficient (R2) was used to select the best isotherm, which was found to obey the Langmuir adsorption isotherm and described by the following equation (3) (El-Katori et al., 2022):

Cinh / θ = 1 / K a d s + C i n h

The inhibitor concentration is Cinh, and the adsorption equilibrium constant is Kads. Fig. 8 shows the plotting of (C/ θ) vs (C) for various ABP concentrations. ABP's straight lines relationship was discovered. The significant correlations (0.9989) and linearity of the graphs illustrate the effectiveness of this method. The adsorption potency or desorption between the adsorbate and the adsorbent in Table 3 was confirmed using Kads values. Also, Table 3 shows that the slopes didn’t correspond to the unity value predicted by a perfect Langmuir adsorption equation (Kaminski et al., 1973). The interaction of adsorbed ABP molecules on the CS surface could explain this variation. The adsorption equilibrium constant (Kads) is connected to the adsorption free energy (ΔG°ads) as follows (Putilova et al., 1960):

Kads = 1 / 55.5 e x p [ - Δ G ° a d s / R T ]
Langmuir adsorption isotherm plot for the adsorption of ABP on C-steel in 1.0 M HCl via different electrochemical measurements at 25 °C.
Fig. 8
Langmuir adsorption isotherm plot for the adsorption of ABP on C-steel in 1.0 M HCl via different electrochemical measurements at 25 °C.

Where 55.5 is the molar concentration of water in mol/L, R is the gas constant, T is the absolute temperature. Table 4 shows that large values of (ΔG°ads) and their negative sign are generally suggestive of strong contact and exceptionally effective adsorption (Quartarone et al., 2008). Physisorption is commonly associated with (ΔG°ads) values of − 20 kJ mol−1. Those at − 40 kJ mol−1 or above are nevertheless linked to chemisorption because electrons from inhibitor molecules are transferred to the metal surface to form a coordinating bond (Behpour et al., 2008). The values of (ΔG°ads) larger than − 40 kJ mol−1 indicate that chemisorption is involved in the adsorption mechanism.

Table 4 Langmuir Adsorption isotherm parameters for the C-steel dissolution in 1.0 M HCl involving different concentrations of ABP by different electrochemical measurements at 25 °C:
Electrochemical methods -ΔGads (kJ mol−1) K, M−1 Slope R2
PDP 44.1 952,381 1.004 0.996
EIS 44.8 1,285,348 1.023 0.999


3.4 Surface assessment


3.4.1 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Fig. 9 shows the micrographs of CS specimens after 14 h of immersion in 1.0 M HCl with and without ABP (16 × 10−6 M). In the blank sample, it is evident that CS surfaces are severely corroded. It's worth noting that when ABP is present in the solution, the surface morphology of CS changes significantly, and the specimen surface smooths out. We observed the creation of a coating film on the CS surface, that is spread in random actions could be due to i) The adsorption of ABP on the CS surface to prohibit the active site on the CS surface or ii) ABP participation in the interaction with the reactive sites on the CS surface, generating a reduction in the contact between CS and the acidic environment and so an excellent inhibition capacity (Prabhu et al., 2008).

SEM micrograph (A) Free C-steel surface (B) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl and (C) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl + 16 × 10-6 M of ABP.
Fig. 9
SEM micrograph (A) Free C-steel surface (B) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl and (C) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl + 16 × 10-6 M of ABP.


3.4.2 Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)

EDX spectroscopy was used to identify the existing elements on the CS surface after 14 h of immersion in 1.0 M HCl with and without ABP (16 × 10-6 M), as illustrated in Fig. 10 and reported in Table 5. Figs. 10-A showed the EDX analysis of the composition of the pure surface of a CS specimen that hadn't been exposed to any ABP inhibitor or corrosive environment (1.0 M HCl). According to the EDX analysis, Fe was detected on the CS surface without rust formation. The EDX analysis of a CS surface after 14 h of immersion in a corrosive solution of 1.0 M HCl was shown in Figs. 10-B. According to EDX analysis, only Fe and oxygen were found, indicating that the passive film was connected to the Fe2O3 production. The EDX analysis of a CS surface after immersion in a corrosive solution of 1.0 M HCl and the presence of 16 × 10-6 M of ABP inhibitor was shown in Figs. 10-C. O, N and C were explained by additional lines in the EDX spectra (due to the O, N, and C atoms of ABP inhibitor molecules). These results confirmed that C, N, and O atoms coated the CS surface because the oxygen signal was missing on the CS surface exposed to uninhibited HCl, this film was formed due to the adsorption of the active chemical constituents of the synthesized inhibitor ABP onto the CS surface (Moretti et al., 1994).

EDX plots (A) Free C-steel surface (B) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl and (C) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl + 16 × 10-6 M of ABP.
Fig. 10
EDX plots (A) Free C-steel surface (B) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl and (C) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl + 16 × 10-6 M of ABP.
Table 5 Surface element (Wt %) of C-steel specimens in the absence and presence of the synthetized ABP inhibitor in 1.0 M HCl solution at 25 °C.
(Mass %) Fe Mn P O N C Cl
Free 98.2 0.93 0.02 0.85
HCl (1 M) 72.4 0.65 0.03 25.2 1.22 0.5
ABP 62.4 0.48 0.01 11.4 14.5 11.2 0.1
3D & 2D-AFM micrographs (A) Free C-steel surface (B) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl and (C) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl + 16 × 10-6 M of ABP.
Fig. 11
3D & 2D-AFM micrographs (A) Free C-steel surface (B) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl and (C) after 14 h of inundation in 1.0 M HCl + 16 × 10-6 M of ABP.
(a) XPS survey scan composition (All elements) of C-steel after 14 h immersion in 1.0 M HCl and 16 × 10-6 M of ABP and the profiles of (b) C 1 s, (c) O 1 s, (d) N 1 s and (e) Cl 2p (f) Fe 2p.
Fig. 12
(a) XPS survey scan composition (All elements) of C-steel after 14 h immersion in 1.0 M HCl and 16 × 10-6 M of ABP and the profiles of (b) C 1 s, (c) O 1 s, (d) N 1 s and (e) Cl 2p (f) Fe 2p.
Optimized molecular structure with electronic densities of HOMO and LUMO of the tested compound ABP.
Fig. 13
Optimized molecular structure with electronic densities of HOMO and LUMO of the tested compound ABP.
Mulliken population analysis with atomic charge ranges from -ve charged with red color and + ve charged with green color of the tested compound ABP.
Fig. 14
Mulliken population analysis with atomic charge ranges from -ve charged with red color and + ve charged with green color of the tested compound ABP.
Graphical presentation of the MEP of ABP molecules using DMol3 module.
Fig. 15
Graphical presentation of the MEP of ABP molecules using DMol3 module.
Side and top view snapshots of the most stable orientation of the tested compound ABP simulated as whole part in water condition.
Fig. 16
Side and top view snapshots of the most stable orientation of the tested compound ABP simulated as whole part in water condition.
SRB growth quantification at 10 and 20 ppm of ABP.
Fig. 17
SRB growth quantification at 10 and 20 ppm of ABP.


3.4.3 Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

AFM has been a significant apparatus to evaluate the surface morphology, which is an important method to help in discussing the ABP inhibitor effect on the metal/solution interface (Younis et al., 2020). Fig. 11 shows the AFM graphs of polished CS, CS in 1.0 M HCl without ABP, and CS in 1.0 M HCl with 16 × 10-6 M of ABP, respectively. The Sa (The roughness average) and Sq (The root mean square) height values are considerably less in the inhibited environment compared to the uninhibited environment. These parameters prove that there is a formation of a protective film consisting of Fe2+-ABP complex and the surface became smoother. The surface smoothness is due to the Fe2+-ABP complex on the CS surface, which inhibits CS corrosion. The adsorption of ABP on the CS surface results in lower roughness values in the presence of ABP than in the absence of ABP, as shown in Table 6. Therefore, it prevents CS corrosion in 1.0 M HCl, implying that this ABP is an excellent corrosion inhibitor.

Table 6 AFM Parameters for C-steel with corrosive medium 1.0 M HCl containing 16 × 10-6 M of ABP inhibitor for 14 h at 25 °C:
Code Status Sa (nm)
A Free metal (C-steel) 52
B Blank (C-steel + 1 M HCl) 590
C (C-steel + 1 M HCl + 16x10-6 M ABP) 110


3.4.4 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

XPS was employed to characterize and identify ABP molecules' structure and chemical bonds and determine their adsorption on the CS interface. Fig. 12 depicts the XPS spectra obtained for CS immersed in 1.0 M HCl with ABP compound. The CS specimens had popular peaks for C 1 s, N 1 s, Cl 2p, O 1 s, and Fe 2p before and after adding the ABP inhibitor. Furthermore, in ABP, there are peaks for N 1 s, C 1 s, and O 1 s were found, confirming the adsorption of ABP molecules on the CS surface. In Fig. 12, C 1 s spectrum show three bands: one at 284.63 eV that could be assigned to C—C, C⚌C, or C—H bonds, one at 286.6 eV that could be attributed to C—N or C-Cl bonds, and one at 288.79 eV that could be attributed to C—O or C—N+ bonds (Ouici et al., 2017; Fan et al., 2020). The presence of Cl2 peak on CS surface treated with ABP is attributed to the interaction of Cl- and the positively charged Fe2+ (Bouanis et al., 2016). Cl 2p spectrum in Fig. 10, shows two peaks at 200.22 eV and 198.56 eV, which are assigned to Cl 2p1/2 (Solomon et al., 2019). The Fe 2p spectrum has five peaks: those at 711.01 eV and 714.41 eV are for Fe 2p3/2 of Fe2+, those at 718.93 eV are for Fe 2p3/2 of Fe3+, and those at 724. The peak at 24 eV is identified as Fe 2p1/2 of Fe2+, while the peak at 732.23 eV is identified as Fe 2p1/2 of Fe3+ (Hashim et al., 2019; Bommersbach et al., 2005). Also, O 1 s spectrum demonstrates two peaks at 529.96 eV are associated with O2– and may be related to O atoms assigned to Fe(II) & Fe(III) in both FeO and Fe2O3 oxides (Zarrouk et al., 2015); the second peak at 531.83 eV is attributed to OH, which could be connected to Fe3+ in FeOOH (Mourya et al., 2016). Furthermore, N 1 s spectrum shows one peak at 400.23 eV attributed to the Fe-N bond (Kharbach et al., 2017). Finally, XPS results show that ABP adsorbs on the CS surface, producing a strong protecting film.


3.5 Theoretical studies


3.5.1 DFT

Fig. 13 shows the optimized structures, HOMO, and LUMO of the ABP compound. To establish the link between the inhibitor and the corrosion inhibition, DFT in the aqueous phase was used. EHOMO is taking charge of the electron-donating ability to the Fe of CS, corresponding to the Frontier molecular orbital theory (FMO). In contrast, ELUMO implies electron-accepting from metallic orbitals (Xia et al., 2008). The EHOMO and ELUMO provide helpful information regarding the inhibitor's inhibition efficiency. The easier it is to transfer electrons to the vacant metallic surface d-orbital, and the stronger the inhibitor's inhibition efficacy, the larger the inhibitor's EHOMO value. The ability of the fragment to absorb electrons increases with decreasing ELUMO rate (Fig. 13). The minor is the worth of ΔE, the extra possibility that the complex has inhibition efficacy (Zhang et al., 2018). According to Table 7, the molecule has a low E value, which increases its propensity to adsorb on the CS surface. Another measure that provides information about the protective power is ΔE. Because less energy is required to donate an electron from EHOMO to ELUMO, the lower value of ΔE, the better the inhibition efficiency (Ogunyemia et al., 2020). The ionization potential (-EHOMO) reveals that the examined ABP inhibitor has a higher tendency to give electrons. The lower the ionization potential [higher the value of (EHOMO) values, the greater the capacity of ABP to donate electrons to an appropriate electron acceptor, such as chemical species with vacant d-orbitals at low energy levels, such as the Fe surface atoms in our case (Guo et al., 2017). Furthermore, the dipole moment of ABP is about 1.1 Debye, suggesting that the ABP inhibitor has greater polarizability, facilitating its adsorption on the CS surface (Mishra et al., 2018).

Table 7 Different quantum chemistry descriptors of the tested compound ABP; Global Hardness (ƞ), Global Softness σ(S), Ionization potential (I), Electronegativity (X), Dipole moment (μ).
Quantum Parameters Total Energy (a.u) EHOMO, eV ELUMO, eV ΔE, eV ƞ σ(S) I X μ, Debye
ABP / Water −3012.2 −0.2130 −0.1107 0.102 0.051 19.5 −0.162 0.162 1.1

In an acidic solution, the investigated inhibitor ABP has heteroatoms in its molecular structure that can be protonated. The Mulliken charges in the neutral state are determined and illustrated in Fig. 14 to determine which atoms of ABP inhibitor will be protonated. Atoms N8, N10, N11, O15, O22, N23, N24, O28, O35, and N36 of ABP inhibitor have the greatest negative values for the Mulliken charges listed in Table 8. As a result, these atoms are the active centers in ABP. They are responsible for nucleophilic attack on the Fe surface via electron/charge transfer from negatively charged centers to the Fe surface atoms' unoccupied d-orbital.

Table 8 Mulliken charges on the atoms of the tested compound ABP.
Mulliken charges on the atoms of ABP
Atoms Mulliken charges
1C −0.031565
2C −0.110107
3C −0.354321
4C 0.545123
5C −0.177212
6C −0.123006
7 N 0.003536
8 N −0.635734
9 N 0.003511
10 N −0.128836
11 N −0.557554
12C 0.521061
13C −0.367308
14C 0.169160
15O −0.421362
16C 0.087528
17C 0.281110
18C −0.252112
19C −0.100042
20C −0.199854
21C −0.183406
22O −0.604074
23 N −0.128955
24 N −0.557597
25C 0.521092
26C −0.367292
27C 0.169149
28O −0.421271
29C 0.087584
30C 0.281135
31C −0.252092
32C −0.100131
33C −0.199728
34C −0.183566
35O −0.604091
36 N
38C −0.110153
39C −0.354210
40C 0.544998
41C −0.177167
42C −0.123112
43H 0.179174
44H 0.182364
45H 0.174202
46H 0.177516
47H 0.403335
48H 0.375544
49H 0.176133
50H 0.171780
51H 0.168710
52H 0.231349
53H 0.398985
54H 0.375530
55H 0.176143
56H 0.171762
57H 0.168689
58H 0.231392
59H 0.398994
60H 0.403350
61H 0.179151
62H 0.182365
63H 0.174202
64H 0.177511

Bold values indicate the hetero atoms with more negative Mulliken charges.

The molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) of an ABP provides information on the reactive sites for electrophilic and nucleophilic attacks. An electrophile is a reactant that gets the electron pair. Electrophilic inhibitors have an electron deficit in comparison to electrophilic inhibitors. An electrophile's comparative reactivity is determined by its structure and its nucleophilic reaction partner (Mayr et al., 2005). Electrophilic reactivity is depicted in red as presented in Fig. 15, while nucleophilic reactivity is depicted in blue. The negative areas are limited to O and N atoms, indicating the most suitable places for an electrophilic attack. In contrast, the positive areas are distributed throughout the ABP inhibitor, meaning nucleophilic attack sites.


3.5.2 MC simulation

MC simulation revealed the adsorption behavior of ABP on the CS surface, as well as the determination of their most suitable adsorption centers on the Fe (1 1 0) surface (Abdallah et al., 2018). As a result, Fig. 16 depicts the most suited adsorption configurations for ABP on the CS surface, described in an almost parallel or flat design, meaning increased adsorption extent and maximum surface coverage (Madkour et al., 2018). In addition, the parameters derived from MC simulations are shown in Table 9; the adsorption energy is a crucial directory that depicts both the adsorbate molecule's deformation energy and the rigid adsorption energy (¨Ozcan et al., 2004). Table 9 shows that ABP has higher adsorption energy (-2965.4 kcal mol−1), implying that the ABP has strong adsorption on the CS surface, forming an adsorbed coating and protecting it from corrosion, based on the empirical findings. If one of the adsorbates were absent, the adsorption energy would be dEads/dNi; hence, a high adsorption energy value indicates strong protection (Zhang et al., 2020). The dEads/dNi value (-197.8 kcal mol−1) for ABP (Table 9) is high, meaning that ABP molecules adsorb more readily on the CS surface.

Table 9 Data and descriptors calculated by the Monte Carlo simulation (MC) for adsorption of the tested compound ABP on Fe (1 1 0):
Structures Adsorption energy/kcal/mol Rigid adsorption energy/kcal/mol Deformation energy/kcal/mol dEads/dNi. ABP kcal/mol dEads/dNi. water kcal/mol
Fe (1 1 0) −2965.4 −3102.6 137.2 −197.8 −7.6

Furthermore, the dEads/dNi values for water are around (-7.6 kcal mol−1), which is a small value, implying that ABP molecules have greater adsorption than water molecules on the CS surface. Therefore, it's possible to confirm that ABP molecules substitute water molecules on the CS surface. As a result, the ABP molecules bind to the CS contact, forming a strong adsorbed protecting layer that protects the surface from aggressive environments. Finally, experimental, and theoretical studies have validated this protection.


3.6 Corrosion mitigation mechanism

Firstly, we must realize the corrosion processes on the CS surface before the adsorption of the ABP inhibitor to understand the corrosion inhibition mechanism for CS in an acidic medium. The following steps describe the anodic and cathodic reactions that occur during the corrosion of CS in HCl solution (El-Katori, 2020; Guo et al., 2020):

(i) Anodic reaction (Metal dissolution):

Fe + Cl- → (FeCl-)ads
(FeCl-)ads → (FeCl+)ads + 2e-
(FeCl+)ads → Fe2+ + Cl-

(ii) The cathodic reaction (Hydrogen evolution):

Fe + H+→ (FeH+)ads
(FeH+)ads + e- → (FeH)ads
(FeH)ads + H+ +e- →Fe + H2

Corrosion protection is primarily achieved through the adsorption of a protective inhibitor coating on the metal surface. The surface charge of CS in acidic solutions is positive, according to earlier investigations (Hou et al., 2020), and this promotes the adsorption of anions (such as Cl-), resulting in the formation of a negative anion layer via electrostatic attraction. Finally, ABP establishes chemical bonds (chemisorption) with CS by interacting lone pairs of electrons from N and O atoms and phenyl ring π-electrons with vacant d-orbitals of Fe on the CS surface (Scheme 2) (Shalabi et al., 2021). The values of ΔG°ads agreed with the previous assumptions, showing ABP chemisorption on the CS surface. Furthermore, computational studies revealed that the active sites in ABP molecules are centered on the phenyl and pyrazole moieties that advance electrons to interact with the d-orbitals of iron on CS, suggesting that CS is highly corrosion-resistant corrosive media.

Proposed mechanism of ABP action on the C-steel surface.
Scheme 2
Proposed mechanism of ABP action on the C-steel surface.


3.7 Microbial-induced corrosion (MIC)

Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) growth rate was tested to study the effect of ABP compounds as an antibacterial agent against prospective MIC attacks. Two concentrations of the inhibitor ABP (10 and 20 ppm) were introduced into the growth media vials by being injected into the sealed vials, then a series of different concentrations were developed using the serial dilution approach. Fig. 17 depicts the captured photos for the incubated blank vials without inhibitor along with the serially diluted sample vials with the injected ABP inhibitor after a period of 21-days. The inhibitory action of the ABP compound was evaluated via the reduction of the number of blackened vials (infected vials) regarding that of the blank. ABP has shown significant biocidal activity. The calculated inhibition efficiency was 100 % since the measured bacterial count was 101 cell/ml for 10 ppm and 0 cell/ml in the 20-ppm concertation range (Table 10).

Table 10 SRB counts for ABP at 35° C for 21 days.
Compound Conc., ppm SRB count (cell/ml) Reduction in SRB count (cell/ml) Efficiency
Blank ----- 106 ----- -----
ABP 10 101 105 83.3 %
20 100 106 100 %


4 Conclusions

This paper showed the preparation of the unreported bis pyrazole-based azo dye with good yields and used as a good and effective corrosion inhibitor in an acidic medium. The corrosion protection measurements assessed using PDP, EIS, SEM/EDX, AFM, and XPS techniques were all in good agreement. The ABP is a mixed-type inhibitor, according to PDP measurements. The variation in Rct and Cdl values with changing ABP concentrations revealed a protective layer via ABP adsorption by replacing adsorbed H2O molecules. According to the Langmuir adsorption model, the ABP molecules were adsorbed on the CS surface via the chemisorption process. SEM/EDX and AFM surface morphology analyses revealed a significant improvement in CS corrosion by enhancing the protecting film on the CS surface at the optimum concentration (16 × 10−6 M) of ABP. Furthermore, XPS measurement confirmed the ABP compound's adsorption on the CS surface. Theoretical calculations improved the experimental results, revealing that ABP is an excellent CS corrosion inhibitor. Water-soluble bis pyrazole-based azo dye compound ABP is a safe and effective corrosion inhibitor, and it should be utilized to protect CS in acidic environments. Moreover, a preliminary study of ABP had good antimicrobial activity against sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB).

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Appendix A

Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2022.104373.

Appendix A

Supplementary material

The following are the Supplementary data to this article:

Supplementary data 1

Supplementary data 1

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