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07 2024

Constructing AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunctions with an internal electric field for efficient degradation of refractory organic pollutants

College of Environmental Economics, Henan Finance University, Zhengzhou 450046, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou, 450000, China

⁎Corresponding authors. liuzejin1026@126.com (Jin Liu), zhenghuiqin2000@163.com (Huiqin Zheng)

This article was originally published by Elsevier and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.


Designing photocatalysts with p-n heterojunction structures is an effective way to boost the separation of photogenerated carriers and stimulate the photocatalytic degradation activity. Herein, an efficient visible-light responsive AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction photocatalyst was successfully constructed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, and electrochemical measurements confirmed that the AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction structure was beneficial to the separation and transfer of photogenerated carriers, promoting the generation of main active species (•O2 and h+). Furthermore, the photocatalytic degradation rate constants of Acid Red 1 (0.4699 min−1) and metronidazole (0.0730 min−1) over the optimal AgI/BiSI were about 8.4 and 3.0 times higher than those over pure AgI, respectively. This work provides a heterojunction engineering strategy to design high-efficient photocatalysts for the degradation of refractory organic pollutants.


P-n heterojunction
Pollutant degradation

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, environmental damage and energy shortage have become global issues. Among them, water environmental contaminated by organic dyes and antibiotics has attracted extensive concern. Azo dyes are one of the largest-group of colorants used in the textile and papermaking industries, which are characterized by the presence of one or more azo bonds (–N = N–). These colored azo dyes can be converted into carcinogen aromatic amines by hydrolysis, photolysis, and chemical oxidation in the natural ecosystem (Khosroshahi and Mehrizad, 2019). Metronidazole (MNZ), a typical nitroimidazole antibiotic, is widely used in the treatment of human gingival and respiratory tract infections. However, it is difficult to degrade and can be enriched in water, which is potentially carcinogenic to humans, and easily leads to the production of multidrug-resistant bacteria (Sudhir Ekande and Kumar, 2021; Wu et al., 2022).

Owing to the stable molecular structures, low solubility, and high toxicity, these organics are difficult to be eliminated by traditional microbial methods (Zhang et al., 2023; Tan et al., 2023; Podurets et al., 2022; Ming et al., 2021). As a typical advanced oxidation process, semiconductor photocatalysis exhibits significant advantages in removing organic pollutants due to the generation of active radicals with strong oxidation ability, non-secondary pollution, and potential utilization of solar energy (Ju et al., 2024; Wang et al., 2024; Li et al., 2023; Zheng et al., 2021; Lu et al., 2013). Although photocatalysis has made great progress in recent years, its reaction efficiency and visible light utilization are still far from the needs of wastewater treatment. To overcome these crucial challenges, it is necessary to explore efficient photocatalysts. Meanwhile, some strategies, such as element doping, facet engineering, vacancy engineering and heterojunction construction, were used to modify photocatalysts to expand light absorption range, and accelerate charge separation and transfer (Liu et al., 2024; Yang et al., 2022; Li et al., 2020; Ma et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2021; Atuchin et al., 2019; Yuan et al., 2024).

BiSI as a common class of BiIII-VIA-VIIA materials received extensive attention due to its piezoelectric, pyroelectric, and photoelectric properties (Quarta et al., 2023; Quarta et al., 2022; Ganose et al., 2018; Ran et al., 2018; Moroz and Prokhorenko, 2016). As a photocatalyst, the bandgap value of BiSI is less than 1.6 eV (Ganose et al., 2016), indicating its potential visible light absorption capacity. However, rapid recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs seriously limits the photocatalytic activity of BiSI. Various methods have been used to address this shortcoming, such as element doping and heterojunction construction. For instance, Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2022) confirmed that doping oxygen in BiSI nanorods facilitated the Cr(VI) adsorption, light absorption, and charge transfer, thus promoting photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI). Cao et al. reported that g-C3N4-BiSI n-n heterojunctions exhibited enhanced photocatalytic performances towards the fixation of N2 and degradation of MB and phenol under visible light irradiation, which was attributed to the efficient transfer and separation of charge carriers.

In recent years, the construction of p-n heterojunction is a classical strategy to improve the catalytic activity of photocatalysts (Lu et al., 2022). Compared with the single semiconductor photocatalyst, the p-n heterojunction photocatalysts showed strong redox ability, broad spectrum adsorption. In addition, the heterojunction between p-type and n-type semiconductors could accelerate the charge carrier separation by forming an internal electric field, thereby improving photocatalytic performances. As a p-type semiconductor, AgI is often used to modify n-type semiconductors, such as α-MnO2 (Salari and Kohantorabi, 2020), BiVO4 (Zhao et al., 2019) and Bi2O2CO3 (Zhang et al., 2017), to prepare p-n heterojunction photocatalysts. In this work, AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction photocatalysts were successfully synthesized via a facile deposition process. Compared with the AgI and BiSI, the AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction exhibited enhanced visible-light photocatalytic performances for the degradation of Acid Red 1 (AR1, a typical azo dye) and antibiotic MNZ. Furthermore, the charge transfer process of AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction and degradation mechanism were investigated. This work could provide a new insight to develop high-efficiency visible-light photocatalysts for organic wastewater treatment.


2 Experimental section


2.1 Chemicals

Bismuth Chloride (BiCl3), thiourea (NH2)2CS), sodium iodide (NaI), silver nitrate (AgNO3), potassium iodide (KI), ethanol (C2H5OH), 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO), and 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidinooxy (TEMPO) were purchased from Aladdin Industrial Corporation (Shanghai, China). All the reagents were of analytical grade, and they were used without additional purification.


2.2 Synthesis of BiSI nanorod photocatalysts

BiSI nanorod photocatalysts were prepared by a solvothermal method described previously (Liu et al., 2022). Typically, 2 mmol of BiCl3, 2 mmol of (NH2)2CS, and 8 mmol of NaI were dissolved into 60 mL of C2H5OH under magnetic stirring. Afterwards, the mixture was sealed in a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave (100 mL) and treated at 140 °C for 24 h. Subsequently, the black sediment was washed and dried at 60 °C for 12 h.


2.3 Synthesis of AgI/BiSI photocatalysts

AgI/BiSI photocatalysts were synthesized via a facile deposition process. Briefly, 0.3 g of as-prepared BiSI photocatalyst was ultrasonically dispersed in 100 mL of deionized water for 1 h at room temperature. After that, KI with the desired amount was added into the suspension and stirred for 1 h in the dark. Then, 20 mL of aqueous solution containing the corresponding amount of AgNO3 was added dropwise into the above suspension under vigorous stirring, and the resulting suspension was stirred for another 1 h. Finally, the AgI/BiSI photocatalysts were collected by centrifugation, washed with deionized water and dried at 60 °C for 12 h. The AgI/BiSI photocatalysts with different mass fractions of AgI (10 %, 20 %, 30 %, and 40 %) were recorded as 1AgI/BiSI, 2AgI/BiSI, 3AgI/BiSI, and 4AgI/BiSI, respectively. For comparison, pure AgI was also prepared by the same procedure without adding BiSI nanorods.


2.4 Characterization

An D8 X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Bruker) and an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS, Thermo Fisher) were employed to identify the phase/chemical composition and constituent element valence states of the catalysts. The morphology of samples was recorded by scanning electron microscope (SEM, FEI Quanta 200) and transmission electron microscope (TEM, Hitachi HT7800). Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra were collected on a Bruker A300 spectrometer. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra were recorded by a FLS1000 fluorescence spectrophotometer. UV–visible diffuse reflectance spectra (UV–Vis DRS) were measured by a spectrophotometer (UV-2600, Shimadzu). Photoelectrochemical tests were performed with a Chenhua electrochemical workstation (CHI660E). The electrical conductivity types of samples were identified by the Hall Effect measurements (Lakeshore 8400, USA) at room temperature.


2.5 Photocatalytic experiments

The photocatalytic activities of photocatalysts were evaluated by degrading the AR1 dye and MNZ antibiotic. The temperature of pollutant solution was maintained at 20 °C throughout the photocatalytic experiments by a circulating cooling water system. Typically, 0.05 g of photocatalyst was added in a 200 mL double-walled glass reactor with 100 mL solution (30 mg/L AR1 or 10 mg/L MNZ). Afterwards, the suspension was stirred in the dark for 30 min and then irradiated by a 100 W LED light source with a wavelength of 420 nm (PLS-LED100C, Beijing Perfectlight). During the degradation process, about 3 mL of suspension sample was collected at regular time intervals, and then filtered with 0.45 µm membrane. The concentration of residual AR1 and MNZ was monitored by the spectrophotometer (UV-2600, Shimadzu) at their characteristic band of 531 and 320 nm, respectively.


3 Results and discussion


3.1 Composition and structure characteristics

As shown in Fig. 1a, XRD patterns of AgI and BiSI samples are consistent with the standard XRD patterns of hexagonal AgI (JCPDS No. 09–0374) and orthorhombic BiSI (JCPDS No. 43–0652) references (Sun et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021), respectively. All AgI/BiSI composites exhibited the characteristic peaks of AgI and BiSI. The peaks of AgI in the AgI/BiSI composites became stronger with the increase of AgI content, and it confirmed the increasing content of AgI in the composites. Meanwhile, XPS measurements were also employed to analyze the composition and charge transfer of AgI/BiSI composites. The XPS survey spectra confirmed the presence of Ag, I, Bi and S elements in the AgI/BiSI composites (Fig. 1b), which agreed well with the XRD results. Compared with the AgI, the Ag 3d XPS peaks of AgI/BiSI composite shifted to lower binding energies (Fig. 1c) (Atuchin et al., 2007). As for the Bi 4f and S 2p XPS spectra, the peak positions of AgI/BiSI composite shifted to higher binding energies than that of BiSI (Fig. 1d) (Atuchin et al., 2010; Atuchin et al., 2011). These results indicated that a strong interface interaction between BiSI and AgI, and the electrons from BiSI could transfer to AgI in the dark, suggesting the formation of a AgI/BiSI heterojunction (Wu and Song, 2023; Li et al., 2021). Therefore, the negative and positive charges could be accumulated in the AgI and BiSI, respectively (Wang et al., 2022). The redistribution of charges would be beneficial to the separation of photogenerated carriers and the improvement of photocatalytic performances (Zhang et al., 2023). In addition, the Hall effect measurements were adopted to determine the electrical conduction types of AgI and BiSI samples. In Table S1, it can be seen that that the AgI and BiSI samples exhibit p-type and n-type conductivities, respectively, which is consistent with the reported results (Quarta et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2020).

(a) XRD patterns of AgI, BiSI, and AgI/BiSI composites. (b-d) XPS spectra of AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI: (b) Survey, (c) Ag 3d, (d) Bi 4f and S 2p.
Fig. 1
(a) XRD patterns of AgI, BiSI, and AgI/BiSI composites. (b-d) XPS spectra of AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI: (b) Survey, (c) Ag 3d, (d) Bi 4f and S 2p.

The morphology features of BiSI, AgI and 3AgI/BiSI composites were displayed by SEM images. As seen in Fig. 2a-b, the BiSI sample presented an ultralong rodlike structure and relatively smooth surface. From Fig. 2c, it can be found that the AgI sample was composed of nanoparticles. As for the SEM image of 3AgI/BiSI (Fig. 2d), a large number of AgI nanoparticles were tightly attached to the surface of rodlike BiSI. Based on the above analysis results, it was predicted that the AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction was successfully constructed.

SEM images of (a) BiSI (scale bar = 10 µm), (b) AgI (scale bar = 5 µm), and (c) 3AgI/BiSI (scale bar = 5 µm). (d) A TEM image of (d) 3AgI/BiSI (scale bar = 500 nm).
Fig. 2
SEM images of (a) BiSI (scale bar = 10 µm), (b) AgI (scale bar = 5 µm), and (c) 3AgI/BiSI (scale bar = 5 µm). (d) A TEM image of (d) 3AgI/BiSI (scale bar = 500 nm).


3.2 Optical and electrochemical properties

The optical property and energy band structure of samples were investigated by UV–Vis DRS and valence band XPS (VB-XPS) analyses. As presented in Fig. 3a, the AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI samples exhibited strong absorption of visible light. Additionally, the band gaps (Eg) of AgI and BiSI were determined by the plotting of (αhν)2/n versus photon energy (hν) (Fig. 3b-c). For direct transition AgI and indirect transition BiSI (Audzijonis et al., 2010; Zhou et al., 2021; Jatav et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2019), n is 1 and 4, respectively. Consequently, the Eg values of the AgI and BiSI were calculated to be 2.65 and 1.39 eV, respectively. As displayed in Fig. 3d-e, the VB potentials (EVB-XPS) of AgI and BiSI were estimated to be 1.16 and 0.92 eV vs. vacuum level, respectively. The VB potential of normal hydrogen electrode (EVB-NHE, pH = 7) could be calculated according to the Eq. (1) (Zhang et al., 2021):

E VB - N H E = Φ + E VB - X P S - 4.44 where Φ is the work function (4.35 eV) of the XPS analyzer. Therefore, the EVB-NHE of AgI and BiSI was calculated to be 1.07 and 0.83 eV, respectively. Combined with the obtained Eg values estimated by DRS spectra, the conduction band potentials (ECB) of AgI and BiSI were calculated to be −1.58 and −0.56 eV, respectively.
(a) UV–Vis DRS of AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI. (b, c) Band gaps and (d, e) VB-XPS spectra of AgI and BiSI.
Fig. 3
(a) UV–Vis DRS of AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI. (b, c) Band gaps and (d, e) VB-XPS spectra of AgI and BiSI.

To unveil the charge transfer mechanism, PL spectroscopy and electrochemical measurements were performed. Initially, the PL spectra of AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI samples were monitored under the excitation of 400 nm. From Fig. 4a, it can be found that three samples had an obvious emission peak at about 590 nm. Compared with BiSI and AgI, 3AgI/BiSI had a lower PL intensity, indicating its high charge separation efficiency (Lu et al., 2023). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) displays that the 3AgI/BiSI possessed a smallest arc radius (Fig. 4b), implying a least charge transfer resistance, which was in favor of reducing the electrochemical impedance of electrons and accelerating charge transfer from catalyst to solid/liquid interface (Zhong et al., 2021). Moreover, the photocurrent density of 3AgI/BiSI was much higher than that of BiSI and AgI under visible light irradiation (Fig. 4c). These results suggested that the construction of p-n heterojunction in the AgI/BiSI composite could efficiently boost the separation and transfer of photogenerated carriers.

(a) PL spectra, (b) EIS plots, and (c) photocurrent density of AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI.
Fig. 4
(a) PL spectra, (b) EIS plots, and (c) photocurrent density of AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI.


3.3 Photocatalytic activity

To evaluate the photocatalytic performances of samples, AR1 and MNZ were used as simulated target pollutants. Fig. 5a shows the photocatalytic performances of AgI, BiSI, and AgI/BiSI samples. Compared with the single AgI and BiSI, all AgI/BiSI composites exhibited an enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of AR1, which was mainly attributed to the formation of AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunctions. The optimized 3AgI/BiSI possessed a highest degradation efficiency and about 100 % of AR1 was removed after 10 min of visible light irradiation. Furthermore, it can be seen that the degradation rate of AR1 over AgI/BiSI increased when the content of AgI was modified from 10 % to 30 %. However, the degradation rate of AR1 over AgI/BiSI decreased slightly when the content of AgI was further increased to 40 %. The phenomenon was due to the excess AgI covering the surface of BiSI in the AgI/BiSI, which hindered the visible light adsorption of BiSI and ultimately reduced the photocatalytic activity (Huang et al., 2020; Dong et al., 2023). In order to unveil the degradation kinetics, the ln(C0/Ct) vs photocatalytic reaction time was plotted (Lu et al., 2022). As shown in Fig. 5b, the photocatalytic degradation process of AR1 is well fitted by the pseudo-first-order kinetics model. The degradation rate constant (k) of AR1 for 3AgI/BiSI was calculated to be 0.4699 min−1, which was about 8.4 and 70.1 times higher than that of AgI (0.0560 min−1) and BiSI (0.0067 min−1), respectively. Compared with the other recently reported photocatalysts, 3AgI/BiSI exhibited an obvious superiority in the photocatalytic degradation of AR1 (Table S2). Total organic carbon (TOC) was employed to evaluate the mineralization rate of organic pollutants. The mineralization rate of AR1 calculated by total organic carbon was about 29.8 % (Fig. S1). In addition, the 3AgI/BiSI could effectively photodegrade the MNZ (Fig. 5c), and its corresponding degradation rate constant was calculated to be 0.0730 min−1, which was about 3.0 and 91.2 times higher than that of AgI (0.0246 min−1) and BiSI (0.0008 min−1) (Fig. 5d), respectively. The effect of AR1 concentration and pH values on the degradation performances of 3AgI/BiSI was also investigated and the results were shown in Fig. S2.

Photocatalytic degradation of (a) AR1 and (c) MNZ over different photocatalysts under visible light irradiation and corresponding kinetics plots for the degradation of (b) AR1 and (d) MNZ.
Fig. 5
Photocatalytic degradation of (a) AR1 and (c) MNZ over different photocatalysts under visible light irradiation and corresponding kinetics plots for the degradation of (b) AR1 and (d) MNZ.

Generally, the reusability of photocatalysts is a key factor for their potential practical application. So, the recycling experiments for visible-light photocatalytic degradation of AR1 over 3AgI/BiSI were carried out under consistent reaction conditions, and the results are given in Fig. 6a. After each degradation experiment, the recycled 3AgI/BiSI was carefully collected, washed, and dried at 70 °C for 6 h before entering the next cycle. Obviously, the photocatalytic performance of 3AgI/BiSI was hardly lost even after 5 cycles of AR1 degradation. In Fig. 6b, it is clearly seen that the XRD patterns of original and recycled 3AgI/BiSI samples are very similar, further demonstrating the high photocatalytic stability of 3AgI/BiSI.

Recycling experiments for the degradation of AR1 over 3AgI/BiSI. (b) XRD patterns of original and recycled 3AgI/BiSI samples.
Fig. 6
Recycling experiments for the degradation of AR1 over 3AgI/BiSI. (b) XRD patterns of original and recycled 3AgI/BiSI samples.


3.4 Mechanism discussion

To explore active species in the photocatalytic degradation process, various trapping experiments were carried out. 1,4-benzoquinone (BQ), Na2C2O4, and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) acted as the scavengers of •O2, h+, and •OH (Wu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2023; Zhou et al., 2024), respectively. Fig. 7a shows that the IPA had a negligible effect on the photocatalytic degradation of AR1, suggesting that •OH was not the dominant active species. In contrast, the degradation rate was obviously inhabited in the presence of BQ and Na2C2O4, confirming that •O2 and h+ had an important influence on the AR1 degradation. Moreover, the concentration of •O2 was quantitatively determined with nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) scavengers (Wang et al., 2019). As shown in Fig. 7b, 3AgI/BiSI produced a much higher •O2 concentration than that of BiSI and AgI, which was ascribed to the p-n heterojunction structure and excellent charge transfer efficiency. To further confirm the types of reactive species, ESR measurements was performed. As shown in Fig. 7c, there was no characteristic signal of DMPO-•O2 spin-adduct was detected in the 3AgI/BiSI system in the dark. With visible light irradiation, the DMPO-•O2 signal appeared. Furthermore, the triple signals of TEMPO in Fig. 7d weakened, this was because h+ consumed part of TEMPO (Liu et al., 2024). These findings indicated the generation of •O2 and h+ in the 3AgI/BiSI/visible-light system.

(a) Photocatalytic degradation of AR1 over 3AgI/BiSI with and without scavengers. (b) The concentration of •O2− produced over AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI. ESR spectra of (c) DMPO-•O2− and (d) TEMPO-h+ in the 3AgI/BiSI system.
Fig. 7
(a) Photocatalytic degradation of AR1 over 3AgI/BiSI with and without scavengers. (b) The concentration of •O2 produced over AgI, BiSI, and 3AgI/BiSI. ESR spectra of (c) DMPO-•O2 and (d) TEMPO-h+ in the 3AgI/BiSI system.

Based on the above analyses, a possible mechanism of AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction photocatalysts for photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants was proposed (Fig. 8). Generally, the Fermi levels (Ef) of p-type and n-type semiconductors are located near the conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) (Guo et al., 2020), respectively. When p-type AgI and n-type BiSI contacted each other, charge redistribution and band bending occur at the interface, and equilibration Fermi levels were finally obtained. In the meantime, an internal electric field pointing from BiSI to AgI was created (Li et al., 2014). Under visible light irradiation, both AgI and BiSI were excited to generate electrons and holes pairs. Owing to the action of the internal electric field, the photogenerated electrons in the CB of AgI could easily transfer to the CB of BiSI, and the migration of holes in the VB of AgI and BiSI could take place in the opposite direction, which led to an efficient separation of photogenerated electron/hole pairs. Subsequently, the electrons in the CB of BiSI would reduce the dissolved oxygen to •O2. Lastly, the formed •O2 and h+ participated in the degradation of AR1 and MNZ.

Schematic band structures and charge transfer processes of AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction photocatalysts under visible light irradiation.
Fig. 8
Schematic band structures and charge transfer processes of AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction photocatalysts under visible light irradiation.


4 Conclusions

In summary, a novel AgI/BiSI p-n heterojunction photocatalyst was successfully fabricated by a facile deposition of AgI on the BiSI surface. The AgI/BiSI exhibited much higher photocatalytic performances for the degradation of AR1 and MNZ than AgI and BiSI, which could be attributed to the function of p-n heterojunctions. Moreover, the AgI/BiSI showed good stability even after recycling 5 times. •O2 and h+ were identified as the dominant active species in the degradation process via trapping experiments and ESR spectroscopy. Photoelectrochemical analyses confirmed that the construction of p-n heterojunction in the AgI/BiSI could effectively boost the separation and transfer of photogenerated carriers, and a possible visible-light photocatalytic mechanism for pollutant degradation was proposed. This work could provide a useful insight into the design of p-n heterojunction photocatalysts for efficient degradation of refractory organic pollutants.


5 Author agreement

All authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript being submitted. They warrant that the article is the authors' original work, hasn't received prior publication and isn't under consideration for publication elsewhere.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Jin Liu: Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing – original draft. Qian Zhong: Data curation, Investigation, Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft. Yanjin Wang: Data curation, Formal analysis. Zezhi Zhang: Project administration, Supervision. Huiqin Zheng: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Supervision. Bin Yan: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation. Yurong Shi: Data curation, Investigation, Formal analysis.


This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21806194), Science and Technology Project of Henan Province (No. 242102320096), Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province (No. 242300420539), and Scientific Research Start-up Foundation of Henan Finance University (No. 2024BS012).

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Appendix A

Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2024.105844.

Appendix A

Supplementary data

The following are the Supplementary data to this article:

Supplementary Data 1

Supplementary Data 1

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